So things has been moving along nicely with Dr. J's plan to open his own practice. The business plan came together, he met with the bank -- and got a loan from the first bank he met with! Woo-hoo!
In the meantime, he's been busy trying to find a place in which to house his new office. I can't believe what friggin' ordeal
this has been! The first place he liked, which had a good location and a great layout, started majorly pissing him off because they sent our commercial realtor a 17-page lease, full of clauses and language that annoyed our lawyer (whom we trust and adore). When Dr. J tried to work out some of the issues with the building's management company, they acted like major asses, and were downright rude in some of their e-mail replies.
Thus, Dr. J began looking at other spaces, and found one he liked even better, nearby. This place only had a 6-page lease, and our lawyer was happy! So things we're moving along, right?! Sorta. The building owner (an eye doctor) has not been, uh,
keeping pace with our timeline. Our realtor understands how important it is to have the buildout completed quickly and the lease signed, because so much depends upon those two factors . . . until those are resolved, Dr. J can't order equipment (which will take 3 weeks delivery), can't order stationary or business cards (need an address!), and can't plan his grand opening. In the meantime, he has begun to have a web site built for his new practice. That does not come cheap! And he will have to use part of his loan money to pay for it . . . and as soon as he dips into the loan funds,
the clock starts ticking on repayment. But without having an office ready and open for business, there are no patients to see, no insurance companies to bill, no copayments to collect, yadda, yadda.
Last night the building owner
finally got back with the cost of the buildout, which seemed on the high side. And again, he does not seem to fully graps the urgency of getting his ass in gear. THUS, my cousin Buzz (who works in and is knowledgeable about construction matters) was able to arrange for his colleague to come over and check out the office and give a second opinion. However, Dr. J has patients to see this afternoon (gotta keep up the facade at his current place of employment) . . .
therefore, I will be meeting with contractor and the realtor later today.
So why do scenes from the movie
The Money Pit keep flashing through my brain? I am not worried about the money, so much as hearing some dude named
Curly uttering the phrase"