First let me state 2 things:(1) I love the Ford "
Bold Moves" commercials . . . especially the one in which the attractive brunette pays for the drycleaning of the gorgeous man in the car behind her, and asks the clerk to give him her card. Very bold. Very cool. Makes me wish I was single, sometimes, just so I could steal that bold move.
(2) I love my Ford, and have had nothing but wonderful experiences with it. Until about a week ago.
That being said . . . I have been bitching about some loud, airplane engine-like noise my car has been making for over a week now. Had it to Midas AND the Ford Dealership, and no one knows why it's doing it. This is after shelling out $400+ in repairs less than a month ago, so vehicle passes inspection. Up until then, I have NEVER had a problem with my car, never spent more than the routine amount of money for oil changes and the occasional tire I ripped due to catching a curb here and there. And to think that I had been so happy when I made my FINAL car payment in November, LOL!
As I am driving home tonight, the rear wheels feel like they are sliding -- like I am skidding on ice -- only there is NO SNOW OR ICE on the road!
It was downright dangerous -- I had to put on my flashers and do 30 in a 45 zone the last 5 miles of the trip.
After several panicky calls to Dr. J, I waited for him to come home and call AAA, and have my car towed to dealership. Then in morning he will drive me to airport to pick up a rental car, as I have meetings all over the place the next two days (the mileage reimbursement will likely cover the cost of me renting the car -- still, would have like to POCKET those funds myself!)
On top of everything else, I am friggin' tired to the bone.
I pride myself on being able to handle the numerous crisis that Life has thrown at me over the past several years. Not always well, but I do handle them, and quite efficiently.
But I can honestly say, CAR ISSUES are not one of those things I handle well. I suddenly turn into one of those weak, easily ruffled women when I am faced with a car crisis.
I wished I could have handled this like the Trophy Wife I aspire to be. But I suppose a Trophy Wife would have had a butler that she could have farmed out this whole frickin' issue to?! And we're not quite there yet, financially.
So as Dr. J followed my car as it was towed to the dealership, I made my own "Bold Move."
I took to my bathtub.