Add Lil Pumpkin into the mix and I guess I have forgotten A LOT of my pre-baby life.
Case in point . . . a few days ago Dr. J mentions that a patient of his has invited us to a party she is having for her boyfriend on an upcoming Saturday night. I immediately grill him for details, yadda yadda. We agree to go. Have never been to this place before, which kinda stresses me out (I like the familiar, what can I say), but okay, we will go.
A few days later, I am organizing the clothes in Lil Pumpkin's closet as Dr. J is getting our frenetic ball of Chinese energy ready for her evening bath. I pull two dresses out of her closest and the conversation goes something like this . . .
- MS. J: "Which one do you think I should put on her for that party?"
- DR. J: "What party?"
- MS. J: (rolling my eyes), "Hullo?! The party your patient is having for her boyfriend on the 28th?!"
- DR. J: "Um, I didn't think we would be taking the baby with us."
- MS. J: "Why wouldn't we? We are not ready to leave her with anyone other than my Mom yet during evening hours, and I think my Mom does enough childcare already, she doesn't need her on a Saturday night on top of it! So why not take the baby with us?!?!?!"
- DR. J: "Uh, because the party is at a BAR?!"
- MS. J: "Oh. [long pause]. Kee-rist, I guess I missed that fact. Damn, I need to get out more. I was going to take the baby to a bar with us!!! WHAT is wrong with me?!?!?! LOL!"
Inhale. Exhale.
1 comment:
u were going to take a baby to a bar. wasn't that in a movie with reese witherspoon....?
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