Monday, June 29, 2009

Billy Mays

We were saddened and shocked to hear the news about Bill Mays. With all of the celeb-deaths lately (Farrah, Ed McMahon, Mi.chael Ja.ckson, Fred Travelina), I care most about Billy. Think about it . . . this guy had more impact and effect on the average person's life (or house or possessions) than any of the so-called bona-fide celebrities. And ya gotta admire someone this scrappy, who schills the ol' fashion way, but taking the salesmanship to a new level. My stepfather grew up in the same neighborhood as Mr. Mays and knew him as a youth (which I didn't know until last night).

Dr. J liked Billy Mays, but in the past 6 or so months he has been lured to the dark side, becoming a Vince Shlomi groupie. Vince, you probably know better as the "Sham-WOW" guy on the infomercials. As soon as we learned of Mr. Mays' death, I turned to Dr. J and said "I hope your Vince has an airtight alibi!"

I have to add in a Biden-quip, in our never-ending quest to work Biden into all scenarios . . . had Biden been the paramedic who responded to the Mays' 911 call, Billy would be alive today. But Biden can't do everything (he has to save some things for Chuck Norris, right?!).
Makes me wanna go out and stock up on the products Billy pitched, as a final tribute.
WE "HEART" YOU, BILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
UPDATE: Thanks to Chrissie, for alerting me to the fact that ol' Vince is a thug! Yep, I'd say this makes him the prime suspect, eh?!

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