I feel kinds skeevy about this . . . I have been addicted to working out to the Chri.s Br.own song "With You" lately. I love bopping along to it, eyes closed, on my treadmill. What makes me feel skeevy is that I downloaded the song after he beat the shit outta Rihan.na. Sigh. Damn you, Chris! BAD, BAD, BAD :o(
But ever since I saw Heidi Klum walk down the runway for the televised Vic.toria's Sec.ret show, blowing and wink at her husband S.eal in the audience, I have adored this song. Something about it reminds me of my own husband. Not the smacking-the-shit-outta-your-woman thing, of course, LOL. But the song is sweet, and there is this element of beating the odds and overcoming a bunch of crap that I find implied within the lyrics.
Maybe it's because Dr. J wouldn't laugh at my secret desire to be a VS runway girl, either, even though my dream job is to be Chief of Staff for a Republican President or Vice-President. He isn't threatened by my career success, my lack of a verbal filter, and can make it mentally mesh with my desire to be feminine and girly all at the same time.
And of course he fully supports my pretending to be a VS model, hee hee, by wearing their fashions.
Especially the bras. And especially lately (and if you know us in real life you know what I mean). Gawd, they are looking goooooood ;o)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Grief and Anger
I wish I still had my first blog, and could link to it, and the post I wrote about how among the thousands of innocent lives that were extinguished on September 11, 2001, was that of the extraordinary Father Mychal Judge.
I remain as angry as I was those first hours. I still weep with as much emotion and grief for those who perished, and those who were left behind, both their families, and the first responders and security personnel who lived this so intimately.
I still want thousands of scum, and that's what they are, SCUM, to be rounded up, tortured to within an inch of their lives, and made to suffer. And then I want God to deliver final justice to them.
Thank you, military service members and their families, thank you police officers, fire fighters, and EMS workers. You are always the first people I thank in my prayers, and I teach my little daughter to have the same respect. God Bless You all, and may God continue to Bless America!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Laying in Repose
Yeah, sorry, I have been sucky about updating this blog. So much has been happening in my life (that I won't/can't comment on here) that I didn't trust myself. I was afraid to spout off, truth be told.
Anyhoo, back to the topic at hand . . . Laying in Repose. Okay, so Teddy Kennedy is laying in repose at his brother's library. Anybody else think it should have been in a bar that serves high-end vodka? Shit, that was terrible of me.
But it got me to thinking, WHERE would I want to "lay in repose" so that yinz could come pay your respects to moi? I have narrowed it down to:
Anyhoo, back to the topic at hand . . . Laying in Repose. Okay, so Teddy Kennedy is laying in repose at his brother's library. Anybody else think it should have been in a bar that serves high-end vodka? Shit, that was terrible of me.
But it got me to thinking, WHERE would I want to "lay in repose" so that yinz could come pay your respects to moi? I have narrowed it down to:
- Winery in Northern California (Cakebread, Duckhorn, or Quivara, perhaps?)
- One of the newer Krispy Kreme stores
- A Japanese hibachi restaurant (love 'em)
Based on my choices, I suppose I want my mourners to have a chance to eat or imbibe as they reflect on my life and times. Unfortunately, it's against state law (at least ours) to have food served in a funeral home, hence the need for me to move it off-site. Eh, in the old days they had the body laying in the family house, and the mourners just came there.
I wonder where those I love would chose for their "laying in repose"? Dr. J would probably chose some high end golf course (Torrey Pines? Augusta?)
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
That's My Guy!
I have been a fan of Congressman Peter King for a while. It's tough enough to be a Republican, let alone one on Long Island. But King is smart, says what he thinks, and means it. Which includes not getting caught up in the MJ-worship, especially as it clouded over the sympbolism of the Independence Day weekend.
Yes, I feel sorry for MJ's kids. Having watched my own daughter be terrified and consumed by grief, my heart aches for them.
However, I am standing by Congressman King and his remarks.
Let's roll the clip . . .
Yes, I feel sorry for MJ's kids. Having watched my own daughter be terrified and consumed by grief, my heart aches for them.
However, I am standing by Congressman King and his remarks.
Let's roll the clip . . .
Monday, June 29, 2009
Billy Mays
We were saddened and shocked to hear the news about Bill Mays. With all of the celeb-deaths lately (Farrah, Ed McMahon, Mi.chael Ja.ckson, Fred Travelina), I care most about Billy. Think about it . . . this guy had more impact and effect on the average person's life (or house or possessions) than any of the so-called bona-fide celebrities. And ya gotta admire someone this scrappy, who schills the ol' fashion way, but taking the salesmanship to a new level. My stepfather grew up in the same neighborhood as Mr. Mays and knew him as a youth (which I didn't know until last night).

Dr. J liked Billy Mays, but in the past 6 or so months he has been lured to the dark side, becoming a Vince Shlomi groupie. Vince, you probably know better as the "Sham-WOW" guy on the infomercials. As soon as we learned of Mr. Mays' death, I turned to Dr. J and said "I hope your Vince has an airtight alibi!"
Dr. J liked Billy Mays, but in the past 6 or so months he has been lured to the dark side, becoming a Vince Shlomi groupie. Vince, you probably know better as the "Sham-WOW" guy on the infomercials. As soon as we learned of Mr. Mays' death, I turned to Dr. J and said "I hope your Vince has an airtight alibi!"
I have to add in a Biden-quip, in our never-ending quest to work Biden into all scenarios . . . had Biden been the paramedic who responded to the Mays' 911 call, Billy would be alive today. But Biden can't do everything (he has to save some things for Chuck Norris, right?!).
Makes me wanna go out and stock up on the products Billy pitched, as a final tribute.
WE "HEART" YOU, BILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
UPDATE: Thanks to Chrissie, for alerting me to the fact that ol' Vince is a thug! Yep, I'd say this makes him the prime suspect, eh?!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sanford & Sin (how overused it THAT?!)
Okay, while everyone in the media and political circles is a'busy ridin' high on their proverbial horse about oh-how-wrong or oh-how-the-mighty-have-fallen Governor Sanford is, I am gonna take a slightly different tack.
I should first disclose that I do not give TWO SHITS what someone does in their personal, se.xual life. Seriously. So long as it does not involve children or animals, I. DO. NOT. GIVE. TWO. SHITS! I don't believe in those kind of Litmus Tests when it comes to holding elected office. Now, do I want someone who abuses drugs or alcohol, or is unkind to animals or abuses (physically or mentally) their children serving the public via elected office?! A big, fat, "NO!" But if it has to do with matters of their se.x life, I don't care. Things are scary on the economic front, we are facing giant terro.rism issues (domestic and abroad), and I have my own day-to-day crap to contend with. So, Sanford (or insert whomever else is gettin' play on the side) is having a side of fries with their happ.y meal? Yawn. Next!
But here is what I find intriguing about the Sanford situation . . . have you read the emails?! I am actually impressed at how thoughtful they seem. Whether he is or not, they seem rather heartfelt, with that long-distance/circumstances-preventing quality to it. When I heard the media report there were emails, I was expecting "Oooh baby, your t*ts are so fine, I can't wait to phuck you again," yadda yadda. So, what they did exhange was quite a surprise to me.
Still, it was a dumb ass move on his part to try and keep a trip to Argentina on the ol' down low. DUDE, you are the GOVERNOR of state! You can't be pullin' disappearing acts, ya know?! How can a guy be smart enough to get elected governor, yet dumb enough to drive HIS OWN SUV to the airport, and fly under his own name (I realize, you can't fly under a fake name anymore), and venture to a FOREIGN COUNTRY. Cuckoo, anyone?! I don't think he should resign over this. But I do think his judgement should be questioned for making so many dumb ass moves - this guy is in charge of the S.C. Nat'l Guard?! Shouldn't his Cloak & Dagger skills be just a wee bit better, therefore?!
I should first disclose that I do not give TWO SHITS what someone does in their personal, se.xual life. Seriously. So long as it does not involve children or animals, I. DO. NOT. GIVE. TWO. SHITS! I don't believe in those kind of Litmus Tests when it comes to holding elected office. Now, do I want someone who abuses drugs or alcohol, or is unkind to animals or abuses (physically or mentally) their children serving the public via elected office?! A big, fat, "NO!" But if it has to do with matters of their se.x life, I don't care. Things are scary on the economic front, we are facing giant terro.rism issues (domestic and abroad), and I have my own day-to-day crap to contend with. So, Sanford (or insert whomever else is gettin' play on the side) is having a side of fries with their happ.y meal? Yawn. Next!
But here is what I find intriguing about the Sanford situation . . . have you read the emails?! I am actually impressed at how thoughtful they seem. Whether he is or not, they seem rather heartfelt, with that long-distance/circumstances-preventing quality to it. When I heard the media report there were emails, I was expecting "Oooh baby, your t*ts are so fine, I can't wait to phuck you again," yadda yadda. So, what they did exhange was quite a surprise to me.
Still, it was a dumb ass move on his part to try and keep a trip to Argentina on the ol' down low. DUDE, you are the GOVERNOR of state! You can't be pullin' disappearing acts, ya know?! How can a guy be smart enough to get elected governor, yet dumb enough to drive HIS OWN SUV to the airport, and fly under his own name (I realize, you can't fly under a fake name anymore), and venture to a FOREIGN COUNTRY. Cuckoo, anyone?! I don't think he should resign over this. But I do think his judgement should be questioned for making so many dumb ass moves - this guy is in charge of the S.C. Nat'l Guard?! Shouldn't his Cloak & Dagger skills be just a wee bit better, therefore?!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Biden blogging
I realized that we need a place in which to record all of the amazing things Joe Biden does, that he is not getting credit for in the media. Like landing that plane safely on the Hudson (LOL, it wasn't Sully, that's a coverup!) Or rescuing those sailors taken captive by the pirates (please, Navy seals my ass). It was BIDEN, baby! He rescues kittens from trees repeatedly, he sorts recycling in urban neighborhoods, he shovels the snow of the White House driveways, and so much more. And the media IGNORES all of this!
Remember that plane a few days ago, flying across the Atlantic, in which the pilot died and the co-pilot had to take over? First of all, the co-pilot was "Roger Murdoch," (hullo, Kareem Abdul Jabar), and what you didn't hear was that Biden was dispatched from his bunker, and a cable was hooked up from Air Force Two to the plane. Biden then zip-lined it into the plane, served drinks and passed peanuts to the passengers, and THEN landed that plane safely.
WHY DOESN'T BIDEN GET CREDIT FOR THESE DEEDS?! Conservative conspiracy, I tell ya.
Angels (that's my peeps in Cali), please make sure to remind me to record other Biden acts as we become aware of them - if we don't stand up for Biden, who will be left to stand up for us?!
Remember that plane a few days ago, flying across the Atlantic, in which the pilot died and the co-pilot had to take over? First of all, the co-pilot was "Roger Murdoch," (hullo, Kareem Abdul Jabar), and what you didn't hear was that Biden was dispatched from his bunker, and a cable was hooked up from Air Force Two to the plane. Biden then zip-lined it into the plane, served drinks and passed peanuts to the passengers, and THEN landed that plane safely.
WHY DOESN'T BIDEN GET CREDIT FOR THESE DEEDS?! Conservative conspiracy, I tell ya.
Angels (that's my peeps in Cali), please make sure to remind me to record other Biden acts as we become aware of them - if we don't stand up for Biden, who will be left to stand up for us?!
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