Sunday, April 01, 2007

Random Thoughts From A Scheduled Weekend

During a very "busy" weekend, my mind managed to wander significantly. All sorts of unconnected thoughts ran through my head, especially when I was taking one of much-needed long walks, with my Ipod turned up as loud as it would go. So much has occurred since Friday, and at times it kind of ran together . . . so what better way to honor these events and thoughts by recording them?

  • I told Kirsten I feared I was developing a callus, and she in turn me her charming yogurt story. What a riot! The moral of the story? Air it out.
  • Lori's boyfriend Jay was in the same fraternity as Dr. J . . . oi vey, was the bonding in earnest when they discovered that about each other?! Oh yeah, "Men of Excellence - since 1852."
  • I would forgo sex for a plate of Pamela's home fries. Unless the sex was with Pippy.
  • Thank gawd Dozen is as many miles away as it is. Or I'd lose all self-control.
  • I want to go see Nicole, Adrian, and Kirsten almost as badly as I want a reason to not be able to go see them.
  • Theme Songs are important, and telling.
  • WHCG is really coming together!
  • Despite an Ipod full of choices, there are probably only 5 songs I truly rely on to kick my ass into high gear at the gym. And 1 song I need to avoid, because it still makes me cry.
  • I am desperate need of a sign. Or resolution.
  • Dr. J is probably thee best person to people-watch with, because he's downright brutal.
  • A used up tube of toothpaste makes for a great comedic device.
  • I feel like I've won the lottery when Father Mike is at Mass. And like I'm being punished when it's Father Bernie. And it's obvious the rest of the congregation feels the same.
  • Lori enjoyed my theory that "When people stop having sex, they go to Lowe's."
  • Dime-sized hail makes a damn funny sound on our fire escape. Oh shit, I hope our future house is okay? And an even BIGGER "oh shit" thought -- if I am thinking something like that, maybe I am turning into a homeowner after all?!?!
  • My husband's chicken cacciatore still rocks.

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