Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy Thoughts are Still Out There, I Think

I know I have been on a bit of a blogging tear lately, and a lot of it has been about stress and grief. And yeah, those things are VERY real and VERY much weigh down my spirit. But I blog much of the time for an outlet. A cost-free, no-calorie, way to blow off steam, confront the demons, and push the stress out of my mind. At least temporarily.

But I have set a goal of trying to be more positive in the New Year, and am using the week between Dec. 26th - Dec. 31st to take the teeny steps towards that push to positivity.

So I thought I might list some things that elicit unprovoked laughter out of me. You know those thoughts -- you're sitting alone in your car, stuck in traffic, when suddenly it pops into your head and you are laughing like a loon, all by yourself?!

Here are ones for me:

  1. Dr. J imitating Joe Piscopo, who is imitating Frank Sinatra, especially when he sings the "Woody Woodpecker" song
  2. The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts
  3. Dr. J launching into his football announcer voiceover of "On a steel grey December morning, the Steelers marched towards The Second Season."
  4. Kirsten's middle of the night "Pearl Harbor sneak attack" sex story involving Hiroshi -- "Shhh, go back to sleep. I got this one."
  5. Crazy, outlandish, bizarre text messages at the most inappropriate times
  6. Updates from HotMary about Guido
  7. Jesse's in-depth story about his attempt to back door a very young (but legal) chick at a party in which her parents and brother were present.
  8. Jesse's pronouncement that "Your Dad IS The Man." Pretty much ANY story about my Dad's Playa Dayz make me laugh (frightening that he shared these with me as a 6 year old, and some of them I actually remember occurring!)
  9. My Dad calling from the hospital, insisting that the staff is trying to injure his pecker
  10. Dr. J's "bird call story" from his time spent at Champs

Okay, enough procrastinating -- off to the gym. Shit.

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