(yes, I know we are checking things off at a rate of faster than one a month -- I don't care . . . we have our reasons)******************************
This was the weekend we had been waiting for . . . our weekend with "The Cousins." We were going away to Ohio with all of my awesome second cousins (okay, and my Mom & Stepfather -- NOTE: my Mom only grated my nerves on Friday night, though I did briefly consider strangling her) for some fun in the snow, a bunch of silly games, and of course, the booze. Yes, the blessed booze, with thee funniest & happiest drunks you have ever met. We were psyched!
The roads were a bit dicey en route, and the snow didn't help. Still, we made decent time and arrived safely. So imagine our surprise when Dr. J went outside on Saturday morning and saw that our car had a flat tire. Gawd dammit! Like I need this NOW?! Like my phuckin' WALLET needs this now?! But first, we had to get the damn tire off of the damn car -- which proved difficult. Five grown men worked on this tire for 30 minutes, and it was still stuck. Finally, Cousin Bob (the second tallest, at 6' 5'' -- his son Nick is taller at 6' 7'') kicked the thing so hard in frustration it finally came loose. The men were triumphiant, like they had reeled in a giant fish or bagged a 10-point buck on the first day of hunting season!
I just had to take their photo . . .

(faces cropped out to protect the innocent -- but yes, that's Dr. J in the yellow parka)
Upon examination of the carcass, I mean tire, it was determined that the rim was bent, too. LORD IN HEAVEN -- why oh why must you torture me?!

Cousin Bob insisted on taking the tire into town and having the situation remedied. I was near tears at this point (frustration). Bob has been an angel to Dr. J & I as we have struggled the past few years, and he knows the past few weeks were especially heart-bruising . . . I know this was on his mind, and he wanted so badly to help us, somehow, so I let him do this for us. He returned a few hours later, saying all had been fixed, and the body shop hadn't charged him anything. We both know he is lying. This made me want to cry again. I find that at the oddest moments, I am blessed by the smallest kindnesses, which wind up making the biggest difference.
Most of Saturday afternoon was spent sled riding. There were 21 of us, in all. And it couldn't have been better.
(This sign cracked us up!)
After our terrific time spent snow tubing just two weeks prior, I didn't think it was possible to have more fun in the snow, so I busied myself as the "official paparazzi" of the family -- something I really enjoy (hey, photography is MY art, and I love it).
Soon enough, though, I agreed to turn over the camera to Cousin Debbie, and was joining everyone else as we slid down the hill the low-tech way -- with plastic saucers, cheap sleds, and even an old fashioned Flexible Flyer (damn, that thing glided!)
(Here's me and my awesome cousin Dave racing down the hill on saucers -- we nearly smacked into the barricades, LOL!)
Other sledding highlights included:
Dave coming down the hill with an open beer in hand
Tandem-sledding -- 4 people, 2 sleds -- we (yes I was in on it) wiped out on the way down
Dave trying to sled down the hill on a case of beer
Julie and Jonathan (her boyfriend, a minister) sledding with a bobble-head Jesus in hand (really, I have the photos to prove it!)
Zanne bringing Sammy the Dog with her on the sled
Bobbie Jo riding with her young granddaughters, Maya and Kyla
My OWN mother gliding down, face first, on a flexible flyer, and after leaving the hill coasting down the snowy street a good quarter-mile, then calling my stepfather on her cell phone to report her location when we lost sight of her, LOL
Lucy the Dog running down the hill alongside Cousin Kathy
The day only improved from then on . . . hell, I even took a RARE nap with Dr. J! We had a yummy dinner, more booze, played games all night, and stayed up late talking amongst ourselves. Sunday morning came waaaaaay too quick, of course.
I can't wait until next year :o)