Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Biden blogging

I realized that we need a place in which to record all of the amazing things Joe Biden does, that he is not getting credit for in the media. Like landing that plane safely on the Hudson (LOL, it wasn't Sully, that's a coverup!) Or rescuing those sailors taken captive by the pirates (please, Navy seals my ass). It was BIDEN, baby! He rescues kittens from trees repeatedly, he sorts recycling in urban neighborhoods, he shovels the snow of the White House driveways, and so much more. And the media IGNORES all of this!

Remember that plane a few days ago, flying across the Atlantic, in which the pilot died and the co-pilot had to take over? First of all, the co-pilot was "Roger Murdoch," (hullo, Kareem Abdul Jabar), and what you didn't hear was that Biden was dispatched from his bunker, and a cable was hooked up from Air Force Two to the plane. Biden then zip-lined it into the plane, served drinks and passed peanuts to the passengers, and THEN landed that plane safely.

WHY DOESN'T BIDEN GET CREDIT FOR THESE DEEDS?! Conservative conspiracy, I tell ya.

Angels (that's my peeps in Cali), please make sure to remind me to record other Biden acts as we become aware of them - if we don't stand up for Biden, who will be left to stand up for us?!

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