Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I Did It Again!

As is my tradition, every year on our anniversary I try on my wedding dress. Some people think it's sweet and romantic, and a way to remind Dr. J of that special, beautiful day.

But that's not why I do it. I try it on to prove to myself that I can still fit into it.

I never wanted to be one of those women who looks great on her wedding day, and then, with each year, puts on more and more weight. I really worked hard to lose weight over the years. Not so I could look good on my wedding day, but because I was tired of how tiring it was (physically and emotionally) to be fat. I lost all of the weight well before my wedding day, but I knew that even after I was married, I wanted to keep in shape. I wanted to be someone, physically, that I was proud of, and someone that Dr. J could be proud to point to across the room and say "That's MY wife!"

So on our anniversary (either the 3rd or the 14th, depending upon how you count), I donned Thee Gown (STILL thee most beautiful gown ever!) . . . AND IT FIT, BABY!!!

And so now, I cheerfully say to anyone who has ever doubted me . . . HAH! Yeah, this is HOW I ROLL!

Yeah, go super-size yer fries, bitches -- while I show you how a real woman keeps in shape!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bold Moves

First let me state 2 things:

(1) I love the Ford "Bold Moves" commercials . . . especially the one in which the attractive brunette pays for the drycleaning of the gorgeous man in the car behind her, and asks the clerk to give him her card. Very bold. Very cool. Makes me wish I was single, sometimes, just so I could steal that bold move.

(2) I love my Ford, and have had nothing but wonderful experiences with it. Until about a week ago.

That being said . . . I have been bitching about some loud, airplane engine-like noise my car has been making for over a week now. Had it to Midas AND the Ford Dealership, and no one knows why it's doing it. This is after shelling out $400+ in repairs less than a month ago, so vehicle passes inspection. Up until then, I have NEVER had a problem with my car, never spent more than the routine amount of money for oil changes and the occasional tire I ripped due to catching a curb here and there. And to think that I had been so happy when I made my FINAL car payment in November, LOL!


As I am driving home tonight, the rear wheels feel like they are sliding -- like I am skidding on ice -- only there is NO SNOW OR ICE on the road!


It was downright dangerous -- I had to put on my flashers and do 30 in a 45 zone the last 5 miles of the trip.

After several panicky calls to Dr. J, I waited for him to come home and call AAA, and have my car towed to dealership. Then in morning he will drive me to airport to pick up a rental car, as I have meetings all over the place the next two days (the mileage reimbursement will likely cover the cost of me renting the car -- still, would have like to POCKET those funds myself!)

On top of everything else, I am friggin' tired to the bone.

I pride myself on being able to handle the numerous crisis that Life has thrown at me over the past several years. Not always well, but I do handle them, and quite efficiently.

But I can honestly say, CAR ISSUES are not one of those things I handle well. I suddenly turn into one of those weak, easily ruffled women when I am faced with a car crisis.

I wished I could have handled this like the Trophy Wife I aspire to be. But I suppose a Trophy Wife would have had a butler that she could have farmed out this whole frickin' issue to?! And we're not quite there yet, financially.

So as Dr. J followed my car as it was towed to the dealership, I made my own "Bold Move."

I took to my bathtub.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Screw You, B*tch!

I can't even begin to tell you how gawddamn offensive this is.

As a woman who has has trouble conceiving, and has miscarried, including one baby as recently as this summer, I . . . I can't even begin to tell you how much I want to bitch-slap Barbara Boxer.

This is soooo reminiscent of what it's like when some ASS makes a dismissive remark to me like, "well, you don't know what it's like, because you don't have children!"

There is steam coming out of my ears right now.

And people wonder WHY we left Kal-ee-forn-yah?!

Yeah, maybe if Secretary of State Rice had confessed that she had KILLED her baby (oh, excuse me, that's called "choice" to Liberals), maybe THEN Barbara Boxer would consider her qualified to advise and carry out political and war policy?!?!?

Who ARE these people who vote for Democrats, let alone Liberals? I sure as hell don't get it.

They probably are the same people who decry women in China and India having an abortion when the sonogram reveals they are carrying a girl. But they have NO PROBLEM with regular ol' abortions in America -- that's a "choice!".

HULLO?!?! Anyone home up there?!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Travel Thoughts

I knew my new job would involve more travel than my old gig. And that's a good thing, as I hate being stuck in the office, and felt that my prior employer wasted my talents by not putting me in the field more.

In the 5 weeks I have been employed at my new job, I have had 4 overnight trips (not to mention a half-dozen meetings that have taken me all around town). This amount of travel gives one significant time to observe people in airports, hotels, meetings, and so on. I have been keeping a running list in my head, which I have come to call "Travel Observations" . . .

* Why do people RUSH the gate when the airline employee announces that it's time for "preboarding" -- I mean, unless you're flying Southwest, you already have an ASSIGNED SEAT! Are these people getting to our destination before I do? And now that you can hardly take any toiletries in your carry-on luggage, it throws out a large part of the reason people clamor for the space in the overhead compartments.

* What is it about waiting for their flight to begin boarding that makes fat people suddenly have the overwhelming urge for ice cream? I can't tell you how many times I have seen fat folks eating Ben & Jerry's, while on the people-mover walkway at the airport!!! At the same time, I also have been spotting a bunch of too-skinny people munching on an apple while walking by in their Birkenstocks.

* Why can I never find non-caffineated beverages (like pop and tea) when I need them? I have begun carrying my own decaf tea bags and Sweet-N-Low, and just paying for a cup of hot water.

* What IS that musty smell that hotel rooms often have??? I now pack lavender linen spray from Crabtree & Evelyn, to make things more pleasant.

Maybe I am just a bit tired. But all of the above is still true.