Monday, December 31, 2007

Year in Review

Ugh, I can't believe it's time to do this. Again.

But I am big on tradition and introspection (however phucked up both may be), so I will once again write out my "good/bad/learn" list. What kinda sucks is that I thought LAST year was bad. And yet THIS year actually managed to eclipse last year's, in terms of suckiness. Which again, has me shaking my head and wondering why I pushed so hard to leave "The Land of Fruits and Nuts and Flakes." So, to Dr. J, I preface by saying, with great sincerity, "I AM SORRY" for insisting that we leave Kal-ee-forn-yah. I thought moving back east was the right thing to do. Clearly, I was wrong. If I could take it back, and move back, I most likely would. Who knows, maybe we will in a few years.

Anyhoo, here's Da List . . .


  1. Dr. J taking the risk of starting his own practice. It took serious balls, and I am proud of him; and for his constant reassurance that I am okay, doing okay, and will be okay.

  2. Nicole's wedding.

  3. Second cousins. Dave & Natalie, Emily & Rob, Dana & Nick, Bob & Bobbie, Zanne, Beth & Joe, Julie, Buzz & Kathy . . . you have no friggin' idea how much I look forward to each and every moment I spend in your presence! You came back into our lives a few years ago to help me out when I could no longer care for my Mom on my own, and have taken care of me along the way. YOU ALL ROCK!

  4. My job. I worked hard for it, and appreciate the gift it is every day.

  5. Meeting Kirsten in person (finally). And all of her amazing and insane emails.

  6. Adrian's liquid hospitality. And her throw pillows.

  7. Lori met the love of her life AND got engaged -- all in the same year! Finally, something I prayed for gets answered by God.

  8. My Dad started to get healthy. Holding my breath it spills over to other parts of his life, too.

  9. Seeing Cirque du Solieil. Three Cheers for the "O"!

  10. For Hamster texting me at the right time. And offering to bitch-slap The Cow.

  11. L.I.D. 11/14/07!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1. Watching my husband continue to be treated as a second-class citizen by the LILT (Long Island Looney Toons).

  2. Endless doctor appointments and painful procedures.

  3. The shock of home ownership incidentals.

  4. Hot Tub Foliculitis.

  5. Car problems on the way back from D.C.

  6. Irresponsible parents. My own, especially.

  7. The horrifyingly stupid things people say when you lose a baby. It's astounding. Even after three babies it still cuts me to the core.

  8. Stupid local politicians. And stupid state-level ones, too.

  9. Being scared that I am going crazy, and effectively being unable to do anything about it.

  10. Self-imposed poverty.

  11. Losing Gabrielle.

  1. Naval Academy graduates can be quite kinky (who knew?!)
  2. Dr. J is a magnet for fainting strangers.
  3. HM can be horrified by bad fashion and bad taste.
  4. The expiration of a Notary's commission is a matter of national security, apparently.
  5. I can move a passport out of backlog, to the front of the processing line, and overnighted to my home in a matter of 18 hours. Or rather, I know people who can, which is equally important!
  6. Fergie's sage advice "If You Ain't Got No Money Take Yo Broke Ass Home", which has inspired HotMary and mine's semi-serious motto of "Upgrade!"
  7. Sandi is the best listener I know, and her gems are invaluable.

  8. Lori never thinks I am insane, even when I do.

  9. Dr. J's godparents are the best people I know. I'd give anything for them to adopt me, or even just him.

  10. Nobody loves the ugly, scary, mean & weak parts of me. Except for Dr. J.

  11. It will happen. I can make it happen. I can move mountains . . . of paperwork.


  1. Finish and begin checking off things from the "Distract" and "Prepare" lists.

  2. Make an honest, active effort to be more positive.

  3. Recommit to taking better care of me. Which means 10 more pounds to shed -- not 'cause I need to, but just for the hell of it.

  4. Strive to keep my office tidy.

  5. Be more fun. More bold.

  6. Laugh more.

  7. Try to make up with God.

  8. Force/explain to members of the local posse that I need to have "standing dates" with them (Lori, Lisa, Sandi, Shannon #2, Shannon #3, HotMary -- this means YOU, chickies!)

  9. Invite people to our home, instead of keeping them at arms length.

  10. Keep my mom and stepfather a bit more at arms length.

  11. Stay focused at work.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

The "It" Couple

Somehow, for reasons unbeknownst to us, Dr. J and I have THREE invitations to New Year's Eve parties tomorrow night. We have no idea how or why. It seems like we hardly ever get together with another couple, let alone a group of people. And suddenly, everybody wants a piece of us.

We're not complaining, we just think it's kinda funny that we are suddenly so popular.

So we'll start off with Lori & Jay's, then off to Jen & Randy's always eventful gathering (the booze and the food are always dee-lish there!), and finish the night at Shannon#3 & Erik's, which is closest to our home. (Looking forward to flirting with cutie-pie Erik, hee hee!!!)

Hmmm, each party will have it's own highlights, I am sure.

Cousins and Cupcakes

Finally had the opportunity to bond with my most closest cousin (oh hell, she's more like my little sister) Sandi on Saturday. I had reached out to her and told her I needed (not a want, NEED) to spend time with her. The great thing about her is that she KNOWS all of the family shit, so there's no lag time when I vent or bounce my fears off of her -- she knows the players equally well, and that is a relief to me. Sometimes I find it too overwhleming to share intimate details with people, since there is always so much backstory that seems to take forever to explain. That's why I treasure Sandi so much. She gets it. All of it. And she doesn't try to fix it. She listens. And yet, she always seems to come up with some little gem of wisdom, just a phrase, that sticks with me and helps me re-center and re-set the course I have been trying to sail.

Over the past two years there have been three things in particular she has said to me that have stuck with me, and though she probably has no idea how much, have guided me immensely:

  1. There is no trophy given for the amount of grief one couple can endure

  2. It doesn't matter if you bring a baby home from the hospital or an airport

  3. It sounds like you need to shut out everyone and cocoon (her latest observation)

Oh, and one more thing, she thinks my sister-in-law is a phucking bitch, too. Ya gotta love that kind of support!

So after we took a long walk with her two-year-old, Maya, and went grocery shopping, I then picked up Dr. J so we could go celebrate a very important day.

It was Dozen 's 1-year anniversary! And God Bless Them, Dozen was selling cupcakes for a blessedly cheap $1 per cupcake all freakin' day!!!!!!!!! Woo-hoo, we HAD to be there!!!! Of course, I had my vanilla-vanilla, while Dr. J had his East End Stout cupcake. Then, he got that devious look in his eye and proclaimed that "we need (NEED, lol!) to split just one more!" So I gave in and let him talk me into another vanilla-vanilla. Mmmmm. Happy Anniversary to Dozen, and we anixiously await the opening of their new bakery in late-January (NOTE TO DR. J: I think that will have to be OUR anniversary date, dear!)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy Thoughts are Still Out There, I Think

I know I have been on a bit of a blogging tear lately, and a lot of it has been about stress and grief. And yeah, those things are VERY real and VERY much weigh down my spirit. But I blog much of the time for an outlet. A cost-free, no-calorie, way to blow off steam, confront the demons, and push the stress out of my mind. At least temporarily.

But I have set a goal of trying to be more positive in the New Year, and am using the week between Dec. 26th - Dec. 31st to take the teeny steps towards that push to positivity.

So I thought I might list some things that elicit unprovoked laughter out of me. You know those thoughts -- you're sitting alone in your car, stuck in traffic, when suddenly it pops into your head and you are laughing like a loon, all by yourself?!

Here are ones for me:

  1. Dr. J imitating Joe Piscopo, who is imitating Frank Sinatra, especially when he sings the "Woody Woodpecker" song
  2. The Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts
  3. Dr. J launching into his football announcer voiceover of "On a steel grey December morning, the Steelers marched towards The Second Season."
  4. Kirsten's middle of the night "Pearl Harbor sneak attack" sex story involving Hiroshi -- "Shhh, go back to sleep. I got this one."
  5. Crazy, outlandish, bizarre text messages at the most inappropriate times
  6. Updates from HotMary about Guido
  7. Jesse's in-depth story about his attempt to back door a very young (but legal) chick at a party in which her parents and brother were present.
  8. Jesse's pronouncement that "Your Dad IS The Man." Pretty much ANY story about my Dad's Playa Dayz make me laugh (frightening that he shared these with me as a 6 year old, and some of them I actually remember occurring!)
  9. My Dad calling from the hospital, insisting that the staff is trying to injure his pecker
  10. Dr. J's "bird call story" from his time spent at Champs

Okay, enough procrastinating -- off to the gym. Shit.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Free Marty!

I had sent an excited email out to some of our close friends tonight with the following subject line:


And then brought them up to speed with the following message:

Not sure if yinz are familar with this story (been on "48 Hours" and other news mags over the years).,2933,318565,00.html

Dr. J grew up in the same "well to do" Belle Terre neighborhood as Marty Tankleff. Marty was a couple years older but Dr. J knew him. Dr. J remembers it being the first day of 9th grade and riding past Marty's house on the school bus (wait, DR. J took the school bus, was the limo driver off work that day?!)

Anyhoo, he saw Marty standing outside the house, cops everywhere, and suddenly Justin Hova (in Dr. J's grade) jumps on the bus and screams "HEY, MARTY KILLED HIS PARENTS!!!!!!!"

Dr. J's mother thought Marty was guilty. Dr. J's Dad thought he was innocent, and that Jerry Steuerman did it, esp. since Jerry faked his own death (left his car running with the door open, and turned up a week later in California . . . hmmm, why didn't the detectives look into this?!) However, Dr. J offers that Jerry Steuerman owned a bagel shop and "made a damn good bagel."

Folks, THIS is what I just came back from -- four days in Long Island over Christmas, too.


Funny thing was, we drove by Marty's old house (the scene of the crime) while we were in Long Island a few days ago, and Dr. J even recounted the tale once again.

A few minutes ago Dr. J shared with me that a web site has been in existence for some time to bring attention to Marty's plight, too.

My OWN mother has long been addicted to any news on this case. Too bad Christmas is over. I could have gotten her a t-shirt.

Marty, we sincerely wish you the best -- we know you got a raw deal, dude! Really.


What I Have Been Saying All Along

I love flirting. Wait, let me be more clear, I looovvveee flirting. With my husband, the cute cashier, the businessman who looks my way across the crowded restaurant, even the adorable senior citizen at the mall.

Which is why I got such a kick out of this article -- seriously, people, life is too short, and the work days too long, to be so serious all of the time. Gawd knows if I am telling people to lighten up (and I have been quite the downer this year), then you know it's something, lol ;o)

Surviving the Holidays -- Part Four (Tuesday/Christmas Day)

. . . conclusion of prior post . . . .

Went over to out-laws for Christmas Dinner. The chubby S-I-L knew to stay the phuck outta my way. I am fairly convinced my no-show at her breakfast made the point, as she steered damn clear of me, 'cept for the utmost polite of dinnertime manners. She even played uber-helper for the stepmother-in-law, making sure each of the 30 assembled dinner guests had enough to eat, clearing their plates, filling their drink glass (not to mention her own), yadda. Whatever. Have another cookie, you cow.

Outlaws were okay, apparently on their best behavior, too. If not for The Cow's bullshit the night before, we'd have been much more comfortable. But Dr. J and I were on edge, understandably.

Still, we survived Christmas Day. Sigh. But it was bittersweet, with tears sprinkled in. How could they not be? We'll never forget what this day was supposed to be. Never. I highly doubt I will ever be able to enjoy this holiday ever again.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Surviving the Holidays -- Part Three (Monday/Christmas Eve)

Monday started off okay enough. A little bit of melancholy for me this morning, but tried to get re-focused by thinking about the pending yumminess of a few slices from Renzo's. And oh my, was the 18-month wait of that deliciousness ever worth it! Ahhhhhh! So, our Pizza ranking list looks something like this:

  1. Renzo's (Port Jefferson, Long Island)
  2. Mineo's (Squirrel Hill, PA)
  3. Di Pietro's (West View, PA)
  4. Sir Pizza (Ross, PA)

After we were sated, we drove around Port Jefferson to take photos of all of the places important to Dr. J's childhood memories . . . the idea was for us to have a photo record that we could share with Ping-Ping someday. We took photos of his favorite beaches, the houses he loved in, the Village shops, his high school, the ferry & pier, and of course Renzo's. I know I got some terrific shots of the beach terrain, which I am hoping will show up well enough in black & white that I can have one printed for inclusion in my proudly growing dining room gallery of black & white photos.

We then did a quick swing by the house which Dr. J's father and stepmother recently moved to. Hmmm. A lot of strangeness here, and things just not making sense. We speculated privately, so I will refrain from posting any thoughts about this in my blog.

We were then expected at the home of Dr. J's brother, sister-in-law, and our two young nephews. The boys were great, and the visit was going well. We then accompanied them to dinner at the home of the sister-in-law's parents. We were having a lovely visit there, too, and then out of freaking nowhere, post-dinner, my sister-in-law decided to be a MASSIVE BITCH and give us all sorts of completely undeserved grief about shit which she knows nothing about. On top of all this, she KNEW what a sucky day Xmas Eve and Xmas Day were going to be for us, and STILL she persisted. I tried to hold out as long as I could, but yep, there they were, the big tears! That bitch drove me to tears for a good 20 minutes. But of course, she knew it was for our own good WTF?! Go drink some more chardonnay and pop some more food in your chubby mouth, bitch!!!

Thank God for my Hamster texting me as we drove back to the hotel, or I don't think I'd have survived. Seriously, I turned the corner when Hamster texted "I want to come up and slap her for you!"

So, in a move that surprised even myself, I refused to go back to the sister-in-law's house this morning for breakfast. Phuck her. This is MY DAY to be selfish. She doesn't deserve my tears, my rage, my anger, my grief. I made Dr. J go, though, so he could spend time with our nephews. Later on I will join him for Christmas dinner at his Dad's.

I didn't want to let this day be ruined by what happened last night, so I tried to do something positive and proactive by focusing on the adoption. Thus I spent my alone time this morning surfing the 'net, learning more about the other adoption path we have decided to begin pursuing, which is adopting locally, of perhaps a black or mixed-race child. I am learning alot, and even came across an article that made me feel better about my Chinatown Meltdown the day prior.

I don't know what is going to happen with the Long Island Looney Toons, today or in the future, but I have been figuring out that opening our hearts to children who exist right now and who need us, as much as we need them, will give us the healing and push we need to let some of this background noise bullshit start to mute. So I am now reading profiles of "waiting kids" in earnest, trying to imagine our lives with them, and theirs with us.

All I want for Christmas . . . is to take a half-dozen of them home. Now.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Surviving the Holidays -- Part Two (Sunday)

Last night I got thee best night's sleep that I have in a loooonnng time. I slept so soundly, like a rock. So much that I am actually looking forward to sleeping in this hotel room for 3 more nights.

Just before lunchtime we then boarded the Long Island Railroad for the trip in to NYC. A fairly uneventful trip until near the end. The train was crowded, and there was a group of family members standing up just behind us. About 30 minutes later I heard the 20-something daughter remark to her Dad, "are you okay? You don't look good." I hafta say, at that moment I just knew how this was gonna turn out. Really. Fast forward to the 50-something Dad passing out. Dr. J springs into action, moving people out of their seats and laying the guy down, trying to get him to come around. He does, but then passes out again. The daughter starts freaking out. The car conductor was notified to have police or EMS ready to meet us at the platform (we were coming up on the last stop, Penn Station). As the guy came to he began throwing up. Dr. J later tells me he is worried because the dude's pulse is pretty weak, though his respiration was okay. Dr. J and the guy's brother get him off the train (the rest of the passengers were amazingly good and helpful and well-behaved), and onto the platform. The cool air brings the guy around a bit. But he is very confused and a bit combative doesn't want to sit down. Then he starts to get woozy again. Dr. J gets him to sit just as he passes out a third time. There are now 4 of New York's Finest standing there, and the guy's daughter (a nurse) is LOUDLY freaking out. The guy has no known medical problems, is not taking any medication, not diabetic, had eaten within past few hours, was in excellent shape, etc. For those who are counting, the dude passed out a total of 4 times! And when he finally came around the final time and started to become more lucid he was STUNNED to learn he has been passing out repeatedly. By this time a wheelchair is produced and the police will escort him to the ambulance for transport to hospital. The wife and brother are profusely thanking My Man for being there. and stepping in. I, of course, am incredibly proud, and remembering that his student loan payment is due on January 2nd, hee hee!

Dr. J would tell me later that he was most worried that the man was having a stroke, because he was sweating so profusely and he wasn't fully passing out, and "it just didn't look normal." But the best line came as we were walking away and he said to me, "This is the FOURTH TIME in four months someone has passed out in my presence -- WHAT THE PHUCK?!?!"

We then went to Lombardi's for lunch. Then strolled around Chinatown, where I got nervous thinking about how I sometimes feel woefully unprepared to travel to a foreign country where everything is unfamiliar to pick up our daughter someday. Like many now-adults who grew up in very chaotic divorced-parent-shuffle households, I am the typical chameleon who is used to having to quickly adapt in order to survive instability. However, that doesn't mean it doesn't freak us out, as it does me. I like predictability, security, stability, and the familiar. I get nervous when things are not executed as planned, and new stuff can sometimes freak me out. Spontaneity and surprises can induce a near panic attack in me. Really. Add on top of this the fact that sometimes, no how much I read, no matter whom I talk to, no matter how many lectures I attend, I worry that I may not be able to do a good enough job raising a little girl who doesn't fit in, racially, with the community around her. Love is not always enough.

Dr. J saw me starting to "ice skate" and pulled me into a Starbucks to re-group. Sigh. He is such an emotional saint. He never gets exasperated with my anxieties, or tears. Thank God. And he knew that it wasn't just the adoption that had me freaking out a bit, it was also "the reason why we couldn't be home for Christmas this year."

We then decided to dip our way back into Chinatown, and I did okay this time. And then we were able to hop back on the subway and head down to 42 Street. And then the second adventure of the day happened . . . I looked down at my hiking boot and realized that the rubber sole of it was cracked and ripping away from my shoe! Water (it was raining most of the day) had gotten half of my sock wet by this point, too. So we then had to hustle down to 34th Street to a Payless so I could buy SOMETHING to put on my feet, lol. Cue the purchase of a cheap, ugly pair of black athletic shoes, LOL!!!

We walked around a bit longer, and then headed to Penn Station to catch the train back to our hotel. And then Fate stepped in. Now, there are something like 8 million people in NYC, right?! And it's the holidays, not to mention the last full shopping day before Christmas, right?! But there we were, looking at the boards to see which track we needed to go to when I said to Dr. J, "ohmigawd, look over there!" And there they were -- the family of the man he helped out on the train earlier in the day! WHAT ARE THE FREAKIN' CHANCES OF THAT HAPPENING???!!! Dr. J went over, they started thanking him profusely again, and reported that he had been admitted to the hospital overnight, but was doing okay, and they were heading home. Dr. J was glad that the hospital had taken this precaution, and it was a nice feeling of closure to see the family again under less stressful circumstances.

Only in New York, kids, only in New York!

Surviving the Holidays - Part One (Saturday recap)

On Saturday morning we began our Christmas Getaway. I told Dr. J two months ago that I simply could not be home for the holidays this year, so we decided to go to New Yahk, in spite of the tension and bullshit that his parents have unfairly pitched our way. We committed to spending very little time with them, and spending lots of time making ourselves happy, and to keep busy.

Our goal this year is simply stated, but difficult to achieve : survive the outlaws, and make it through the holidays without too many tears.

The drive out was pretty good - 'cept for some traffic trying to cross the George Washington Bridge, which, as always, was backed up. Having the EZ Pass saved us time in this regard.

Before I forget, we'd like to give a shout out to the rest stop in Allentown, PA. First of all, the giant Cabela's beckoned us from the highway as if to say "welcome, friends!" (even though we didn't go in). But what really impressed us were the plethora of interesting fast food combos -- sure, we've all seen the KFC/Pizza Hut shared space before, but Taco Bell/Long John Silver's?! Hullo, hushpuppies (we indulged!) Even better, we saw the first of the new Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins eateries -- YOWZA! What a freakin' incredible culinary idea!!!

Once in New Yahk, we drove to make our dinner appointment. Within 30 seconds of entering the lovely, restored, 18th Century farmhouse that Dr. J's godparents reside in (in Douglaston, a ritzy part of Queens, NY), we were handed a glass of Rustico prosecco. Que Bella!!! Uncle Joey has served us this amazingly light yet soothing beverage before, but each time I am bowled over by its light loveliness. This was followed by hours of delicious food, and wonderful conversation, in which we received lots of encouragement and support. I swear, I love these people as much as is humanly possible -- they must be the two finest people I have ever met. I wish they'd adopt us. Really.

They loved our tiny Christmas gift to them, fussing over it as if we'd bought them a new car. And they meant it. And they got it. And they get us. Which is the best gift of all.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Health Benefits of Gettin' Busy

Now's here's an article that men everywhere will be excitedly waving in front of their wives faces . . . turns out that sex has significant health benefits!

From my perspective, I will agree to having seen the positive effects of s-e-x in the following ways (which are noted in the article):

  • Weight Loss & Weight Control -- there have been evenings in which I have been too busy to squeeze in my regular workout at the gym, and have mentally said to myself, "well, this will burn some calories at least" or "hey, it's to make up for that cookie I stress-ate earlier today."
  • Stress Relief -- absolutely! Some times life is so freakin' stressful that a good tumble in the hay can definitely take the edge off of things, releasing those post-exercise endorphins, and resulting in a nice "ahhhhh" feeling
  • Immune Booster -- I specifically recall one time in college, freshman year, when Dr. J was running a fever of about 103, but I needed to get my groove on. I managed to convince him the best way to recover was to "sweat it out." Did it work? Well for ME it did!
  • Increased Self-Esteem & Intimacy -- through both my experience and the assortment of confessions I have heard over the years (I swear, some people tell me Thee Strangest Shit), the more people have sex, the more they want it. Ladies, your man is more concerned about just getting it regularly than what your ass looks like . . . and if you give it to a man regularly, they see you as attractive even if you gain 5 pounds, have on an old nightshirt, or forgot to shave your legs. Men almost universally want two things in a relationship: regular sex and respect. That's not a lot to ask.
  • Sleep Enhancement -- yep, it's true. I always sleep more soundly after a good romp. Unless of course I am still keyed up and wanting Round 2, or 3.
  • A Better, Younger Looking You -- I think that people who get it on regularly just have that glow about them -- that little intangible thing you can't quite put your finger on, yet somehow they sparkle. Case in Point: LORI (I doubt she's embarrassed by my stating this -- after the uber-hot stuff Jay wrote & shared about his Christmas Wish for this year, I sure as heck wouldn't be -- YOWZA!!!)
  • Mood Lifter -- see my note above on Stress Relief
  • Longevity -- this harkens back to when we were younger, and used to hear those pleas from junior high school boys that "a guy could DIE from not getting IT!" Wow, maybe they weren't being melodramatic after all?!
  • Decreased Risk of Breast Cancer -- perhaps from all the loving attention a woman's breast receive during s-e-x, this staves off that nasty cancer?!
  • Reproductive Health Benefits -- LMAO . . . wait a minute . . . STILL laughing hysterically!!! If only I could add up the money that has been spent over the years on b/c pills, condoms, and now thermometers, OV kits, pee sticks, co-pays, RE tests, and OB/Gyn procedures?! Lemme LMAO some more!
So, all in all, I pronounce this article to be useful and well-versed . . . though perhaps a companion piece on the benefits of red wine would have been nice (especially since, in addition to being good for you, red wine helps you dance your woman into the sack easier).

Mostly, I hope this article brings you, the reader, the ammo you need to get laid tonight. Cheers!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Remembering Baby B


Today sucks for you. Don't ever feel the need to apologize for your grief. Anybody who tells you to "get over it" or "move on" can go phuck off. And if you need me to tell them for you, just say the word (just as I know you would do the same for me).

Wish I could be with you at this very moment, and we could cry together. And then go do something very destructive, like spend money we don't have.

Promise me you will get the ice cream, and chow down as planned. In some small way, I will be with you then, too.

All my love belongs to you today.



Monday, December 17, 2007

The Most UnWonderful Time of the Year

It's been building, that's for sure. And now I know that I have about a week's worth of increasingly shitty days ahead of me that I have to endure.

At this point, I know my best bet is probably just breaking it down into smaller chunks of survivability -- hour by hour, even minute by minute, if I need to. (I sound like I am in AA -- 'cept I am running towards booze, not away from it!)

The financial squeeze makes it difficult to comfort oneself, too, of course. As well as my insistence upon not letting the body I have dragged back from obesity wander once again into the Land of Fried Food and Fat Clothes.

So how will I do it? Quite frankly, I am not so sure I can.

But maybe if I write it down a bit, I will take back the teeniest measure of control, instead of further lapsing into the out-of-control mess I have been finding myself subsisting in.


  • Check in with Kirsten, and make sure SHE is surviving (she is in equal pain)
  • Go to the gym, but not punish myself if I chose friends over the treadmill
  • Allow us to have a nice meal and maybe a treat or two in NYC, since being a tightwad ain't exactly spooning with me at night
  • Telling people point blank that I need them THIS week, regardless of how busy they are
  • Being kinder to myself, and acknowledging that I am allowed to be a raving, lunatic, emotional bitch this week if I need to
  • Drinking at least one glass of wine each night to calm my nerves and smooth out the frayed edges
  • Sending out as many Christmas cards as I want
  • Stop trolling the internet for bad news about China
  • Keep trolling the internet for children around here who need us now, and allowing my heart to open to them
  • Finishing the "Distract/Prepare List"
  • Taking my Mom's car to NYC, so we can use the EZ Pass for free
  • Remember the key phrase we worked on in therapy: "Rollerskate, not Ice Skate!"
  • Begin psyching myself up to lose 10 more pounds next year
  • Give in to what feels good, for just one week, instead of being logical
  • Focusing on watching out for Dr. J as we invade Long Island -- nothing kicks my ass back into gear as much as the "Fight or Flight" instinct (wanna guess which one emerges in me when my back is against the wall? Yeah, try tripling it when someone comes after my man -- bitches, I mean, In-Laws/Out-Laws, I ain't so down that I can't wipe out ALL your asses!)
  • Reminding myself that the timing is just where it needs to be, and was meant to be, and had to be, in order to achive the perfect end game


Monday, December 10, 2007

It's All About Me. Yeah, AS IF?!?!

It was HotMary who told me that I needed to change how I lived my life. She said I needed to insert a big ol' heaping dose of "It's All About Me" into what I do, what I accept, and what I expect, from myself and from those around me.

Shannon agreed.

Lori thought it was brilliant.

And so I have tried to adopt that as much as possible (which is still kinda hard, because I am not a selfish person, and have a hard time letting anyone do for me, or take care of me). I admit, there are times when it feels good, albeit strange, and sometimes I get this out-of-body feeling like I am watching myself in amusement from across the room.

So why, is LORI making it so damn difficult to COMPLY with the adopted mantra?!?!

No, it's about her boyfriend's car, her job responsibilities, the Boards she sits on, yadda yadda. We have been trying to get together for what feels like ages . . . but things keep cropping up, and she keeps having to reschedule. AND IT SUCKS! I miss my girl. I miss the chickie who never flinches when I weep, who doesn't at all think it's frightening when I can compartmentalize my feelings and move from sobbing tears to complete confidence in less than 60 seconds. I miss the frenetic conversational jumps from fashion to reality t.v. to money to sex and back again.

So, here I am, publicly giving you, Ms. Bride-to-Be, all sorts of shit about being too busy for ME!

Dammit, it's supposed to be ABOUT ME -- so shelve your other shit and concentrate on what's important -- ME!

And now, I will pull out my final secret weapon, to make you feel really bad, Ms. Oh-So-Busy . . . I give you THE POUT (and note the adorable Asian baby face that is pouting -- that's no accident, ahem!)

I hope you feel REALLY GUILTY.

[You know I love you. Big time. Lots. The Most. And I still win. And you know it.]

Friday, December 07, 2007

LOG IN DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just checked the Holt web site and they, finally having received word from China, have posted the news of those dossiers that have been "logged in" with China . . . AND OURS IS ONE OF THEM!!!

Our "DTC" (Dossier to China) date is 11-02-07. Our "LOG IN DATE" (LID) is 11-14-07. THAT IS FANTASTIC NEWS!!!

Now, it doesn't mean that things are going to suddenly move any faster BUT . . . it does mean that Chinese Government has acknowledged receipt of our dossier, which is a big relief!!!

Pregnant women have strange dreams about stuff going wrong with their pregnancy, getting lost on the way to the hospital, giving birth to a three-headed monster, yadda yadda . . . adoptive parents have nightmares about their paperwork getting lost or misdelivered by FedEx, LOL! Seriously, several months ago a FedEx delivery vehicle in the mid-west was in a major accident and burst into flames, thereby destroying all packages in it's possession in the process. I almost had a heart attack fretting over the "what if our documents were in THAT van?!" thought until I realized that we had put our stuff in the mail a few days prior AND had paid for two-day expedited air shipping, which effectively nulled most of my worry. Most of it, though not all, LOL! (I gotta be me, after all!)

Anyhoo, this fantastically good news brought tears to my eyes and an excited text message to Dr. J.

Good Lord, after my meltdown last night we really needed this good news, eh hon?!?!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

Yet another crazy day for me. It used to be that the first hour or so of my mornings were fairly tame, and I could ease into my day, with the last few hours of the work day being my busy time (and also when I got the most work done).

But in what has become an unfortunate theme, my mornings have been insane over the past month or two. This morning was no different. I had two big ass public meetings earlier in the week, which I have spent endless hours laying the groundwork for (i.e. schmoozing with the politicians), not to mention countless hours updating and prepping my members on their testimony, in addition to my own.

Nonetheless, this morning, I knew as soon as I made it to the office I would be busy, busy, busy playing catch up on a lot of things I unfortunately had to put aside/slack off of during the past few weeks -- they couldn't be ignored any longer. It felt good to get caught up a bit, and though I usually don't work as productively in the morning as I do later in the day, I soon settled into a good rhythm. But I know there is still a lot more ground to cover, since my physical attention to some of these things has been MIA for the past few weeks (though they've been on my mind throughout, even if I was consumed by other tasks).

Tonight, as I drove home, I couldn't believe how unbelievably tired I was. Just wiped out. As if the past few weeks stress and late hours and hard work finally caught up with me.

Now if it would just translate into the single good night of sleep I am in so desperate need of.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Ultimate Xmas Special

It's tonight, it's tonight! I am SOOOOO excited . . . or at least I want to be. I have a big meeting to attend this evening, and it has a long-ass agenda, which means I have no friggin' clue what time I will get home. Sigh.

It's really important to me to be home, showered, in my sexiest jammies, and on the couch by 10:00 p.m. tonight. For some people, the holiday season is kicked off by the Charlie Brown specials, or watching "The Christmas Story" or even the "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation."

Not me.

The special I look forward to is . . . the annual Victoria's Secret Fashion Show! YES!!!! I get the preview on their Santa-inspired get-ups, find out what will be debuting in the stores soon, and get a glimpse at the fantasy-couture bras that we'll never see close up, but can dream about, hee hee!

I loved the preview commercials for this a few years ago, when the ads aired with the bells playing in the background, and the models would take turns whispering into the camera such come hither phrases as "Surprise Me," "Spoil Me," and my personal favorite, "Dazzle Me." MEOW!!!

So please, whatever higher power there may be, grant my wish to have me home tonight, freshly showered & appropriately clad, reclined on my couch with a glass of wine, enjoying the VS Fashion Show at 10:00 p.m. tonight.

PLEASE (blog-begging, here!)

Friday, November 30, 2007

Christmas Tag

I so do not have time for this, but I am so stressed out I will take the 5 minutes necessary to respond (plus, maybe it will inject some Christmas Spirit into me?!)

Here goes, passed to me by Kirsten:

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper! I actually love to wrap gifts.

2. Real tree or Artificial? Real.

3. When do you put up the tree? Usually about 10 days before Christmas, but not doing it this year -- it's too painful a reminder.

4. When do you take the tree down?
If we were putting one up . . . probably a few days into the New Year.

5. Do you like egg nog? I don't even like the sound of it.

6. Favorite gift received as a child? The huge t.v. my Daddy gave me when I was 6 years old. It was the beginning of a passionate and long-term love affair that continues to this day and has never let me down.

7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes, a small one. Would like to upgrade in the future.

8. Hardest person to buy for? Myself. I always think the money should be put towards other things.

9. Easiest person to buy for? Anybody, really. I am very good at gift-giving -- the only thing that holds me back is lack of funds to properly spoil those I love and treasure.

10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Postal, all the way!

11.Worst Christmas gift you ever received? A Bible (that sounds terrible, but I was like 12 or 13 and it was from my Stepmonster's parents, who thought I was some heathen-child because I wasn't Presbyterian and my parents didn't make me attend church -- though, since we're Catholic, it was even more offensive and bizarre).

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? The Brady Bunch ones -- so bad they're good!

13. Do you still feel the magic? Honey, i AM the magic! (Really.)

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No. Well, unless it's chocolate and I am trying to get it out my house and into someone else's -- let them get fat!

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Whatever Dr. J feels like cooking -- he is terrific! Turkey is always something I enjoy.

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Colored . . . which is a serious problem in my marriage, since Dr. J grew up in freakin' "House Beautiful" where his mother decorated a tree that looked like a professional staged the damn thing. He resents my second grade art class ornaments, and preference for colored lights. It's an ongoing argument, which threatens the delicate balance of our marriage, and could ultimately break us up. To date, I have gotten us to agree to the following terms: white lights on the outside of the house, and colored lights on my "keepin' it real" Christmas tree inside.

17. Favorite Christmas song? "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" -- damn thing makes me teary each time I hear it, dammit (really).

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? This year we will be going to NYC and Long Island. It should be, um, interesting.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? Yes. Wanna guess which one is my favorite?

20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Again, this is a marital problem for me. I come from a Xmas Eve family, whereas Dr. J is a Xmas Morning guy. I know he's right . . . but I am so much of a snoop that those last few hours are unbearable for me!!!

21. Most annoying thing about this time of year? Lack of money and lack of Ping-Ping. And my in-laws.

22. Favorite ornament theme or color? Colors: Icy blues and silver . . . just like our wedding colors. Ornaments: This year, a VERY special ornament will be hanging on the trees of the people we love (stay tuned!)

23. Favorite for Christmas dinner? If it could be anything?! Belgian Waffle with powdered sugar & whipped cream, chicken-apple sausage, turkey, scalloped potatoes, grilled asparagus, and chocolate-chip ice cream.

24. What do you want for Christmas this year? A time machine.

25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Lori

26. Who is least likely to respond to this? Noah

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Black Weekend

In the spirit of all things American, we are supposed to shop, shop, SHOP this weekend. However, Dr. J still gets what I call "retails flashbacks," so we can never go full throttle. Also, we have the whole budget thing that keeps the padlock on the checkbook pretty tightly.

Nonetheless, we felt it best to venture out and play our part as good Americans.

And what did we buy? A new garage door remote system, so that we can re-program it in a way that we will now have TWO clickers to open it with.

And second, a new , inexpensive track light for our work-in-progress dining room, from IKEA. Please understand, with purchase of our house we inherited some NASTY light fixtures, the gawd-awful brass & frosted glass chandelier in our dining room being one of them. Ick, bleh! But after having so much fun with all of the couples we hung out with on Wednesday and Thursday, we decided we want to have people over to our house more often to entertain. And drink. And mock others, colectively.

Now I just have to find someone properly qualified to install it. Hmmmm.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Giving Thanks

When we gather for Thanksgiving Dinner at my cousins later on today there are a variety of games and traditions we engage in. One is called "the interview" in which you are privately asked answers to a series of questions about yourself, which are then read aloud later in front of the group (there will be 24 of us in all), and everyone tries to guess WHO it is. My cousin Bobbie is The Keeper of The Questions, meaning she composes them and keeps our answers in a special individual folder, so we can look back on years past.

The silly questions vary from year to year, but the FINAL question is always the same: "The Year is almost over . . . what I want to remember most is _______".

Last year Dr. J answered "Seeing my wife smile again." I know only half the people understood what he meant, but it did then and still makes me cry to think about it -- it was that touching of a moment.

This year I already know what my answer will be.

But thinking about "the Thanksgiving Interview" got me thinking about the spirit of Thankgiving in general. We should all pause today and give thanks for things, both big and small, that make a difference in our lives. So here is my list of things I am thankful for:

*All of the wonderful folks who make up the U.S. Military, as well as anyone who has EVER served. Without them, WE are nothing, and neither is anyting we cherish.
* The families of the above mentioned heroes. Thank YOU, for your important part, too.
* Father Mike, for helping me. Even if it will always hurt.
* All of my hilarious and divine second cousins . . . we partied Wednesday night for Zanne's birthday, and we will party tomorrow like the Pilgrims & Indians. I love yinz -- you open my heart to the holidays once again (which I thought no one could).
* My lovely, sweet, and increasingly blunt Lori. Please use the word "obnoxious" more often -- it totally cracked me up to hear you speak like that!!!
* My longtime partner in barely legal pursuits, My Hamster, and the best zany person I know . . . MY Lisa.
* Arlene & Joey . . . I can't put into words what you have done for us, simply by caring.
* Nicole . . . for using the phrase "that phucking cunt" like NOBODY else could! Damn, girl, I am glad you are on OUR side!!!
* HotMary . . . for teaching us all about self-value. And for the hickey story. Yeah, that was a classic moment. Oh, and Chinese food. And the importance of a man sending you flowers.
* Food Venues I covet: Franktuary, Dozen, Chan's, Amici's, Clarke's, Rubio's, Mahajarajajajaja (or however the hell it's spelled). Each of you has had a dee-lish impact on my life in the past year. And Renzo's, don't you think I have forgotten about you, hon -- you're on my "to do" list for late-December, sweetie!
* For November's $43 electric bill, $22 gas bill, a heated mattress pad, and my fluffy bathrobe. Gawd, I am goooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!
* My Boss . . . for believing in me, and sticking by me, even when things aren't perfect. Gawd, what a difference from "High School".
* Dr. J . . . for your endless reassurance. It helps. More than mere words could ever articulate. Its' effect is too profound and far-reaching for me to ever admit.
* For our DTC. Each day, no matter how good or how bad, is one day closer.
* And for the stupid t.v shows that make Dr. J and I laugh. A special "Shout Out" should probably go to VH1 for the "40 Most Softsational Soft Rock Songs," "Best Week Ever," and "Talk Soup."

Now go gobble gobble, dammit.

Monday, November 19, 2007

People I'd Like To Strangle

The bookkeeper at my office is such a pain in my ass. I have tried everything to make this old bag happy, and nothing works! I have turned in my expense reports extra early, told her to take as long as she needs to cut the checks, have been painfully nice, have made small talk about topics that she enjoys (Rush Limbaugh, her granddaughters), stayed out of her way, yadda, yadda. And she still hates me.

I know she liked my predecessor a great deal. Look lady, he was FIRED months before I came on board. I had nothing to do with it. I know you resent the boss because of it. I know you resent me though I have nothing to do with it. But Gawd Almighty, I do good work, am unfailingly polite, and was selected from among 142 other applicants for this job -- WTF more do you want?!

PLEASE RETIRE YE OLDE WINDBAG!!! (My boss has asked me to hang on for a time period of not more than 6 months, during which time he thinks he will have a proper "exit plan" for her).

This gave me an idea for a "To Be Strangled" list (like a "to do" list):

  • The office bookkeeper
  • The nasty woman I spoke to at my local Water & Sewer Authority this morning
  • My In-Laws, at present
  • My old boss at "High School" (my code name for prior employer)
  • A handful of local elected officials
  • "Grapes" from "High School"
  • The limo company from my wedding (still can't discuss)
  • A handful of national elected officials
Oi Vey. I wish my office was like that of a soap opera, and I could pour myself a stiff drink right now.

***Disclaimer -- I would never physically harm someone first. It would only be in self-defense. Thus, all of this is a JOKE!!! ***

Saturday, November 17, 2007

National Adoption Day

Saturday was National Adoption Day. I wish I had known about it ahead of time, so we could have done something more active to celebrate or mark the important occasion.

Here is some local press coverage, as well as link to additional information on the history of it.

It gets me so friggin' mad sometimes when people hear that we are adopting and immediately jump to "Well have you tried this _____?" (fill in the blank yourself, 'cause trust me, WE have heard EVERY suggestion under the Sun -- some so ignorant it would make a Buddhist monk lose their temper!)

It astounds folks to learn that "NO, we haven't tried ____" and we are NOT interested in trying "______". Really. It's the truth! We feel called to adopt, and have all along.

I recently had someone say to me "I'm sorry you have to go this route to become a parent." WTF?! I am sorry that we have had so much tears and grief and physical pain, but I am PROUD AS PHUCKING HELL that we are adopting -- that we are doing something moral and good and right . . . something that will be worth "all the tea in China," as they say. I am proud that we are trailblazers amongst our family and friends. I am even proud that people will be uncomfortable as we laugh and giggle in the park someday, as a transracial family ('cause there IS more to come, folks -- hullo, Brangelina!)

I wish people could get it out of their heads that adoption is somehow "second best," or a backup plan. It's so not. We always planned on adopting, and talked about it long before we ever began trying to expand our family (another thing that sets me off, the whole "when you have a family of your own someday" dismissive throwaway line -- PHUCK YOU assholes of the world, WE ARE ALREADY A FAMILY -- just one without living children at present!!!)

The only reason we pursued "trying" the old-fashioned way is because it's cheaper and lacks the whole judgmental quality of pursuing an adoption. THAT IS IT!!! I find it so amazingly selfish that people express a desire to have a biological child because they want said Fantasy Child to have their "wife's eyes" or their "husband's math skills" or whatever other dreamland bullshit they toss around. Even further nerve-grating is when these jerks are often the very same people who claim to be part of the "Go Green" movement, are anti-war at all costs, believe in a One World global vision, and chide Dr. J and I for having politically conservative views. You'd think these would be the very people who EMBRACE adoption, for a variety of obvious reasons. But nope, there they go, taking pity on us for adopting, insulting us purposefully and unconsciously, and failing to "walk the walk." Drives us insane, I tell you. I know, I am hardly known for holding back . . . but believe me when I tell you just how much I hafta hold back when someone makes yet another stupid remark.

So Viva National Adoption Day! Can't wait to be a part of it!!!

And to those of you who have been amazingly supportive of "Plan A" from the start . . . THANK YOU! You will rewarded, though not as much we ;o)

PostSecret vs. Found -- There goes the Neighborhood 2007

We did something very unique on my first day back from The Big Vegas Trip (by the way, I slept for 12 straight hours as soon as I got home from the airport -- a REAL rarity for me, guess I was plumb tuckered out?!). Anyhoo, I had bought tickets for Dr. J and I to attend the "Post Secret vs. Found" event that was coming to our 'tahn, which I was sooooo excited about!

PostSecret is such a guilty pleasure . . . it provides that psychological voyeur window into other people's minds that so intrigues me. Sometimes the secrets are LOL funny, sometimes heartbreaking, sometimes insightful, sometimes silly, and often inspiring. I have found myself continually connecting to people that I have never met, yet feel like I know all too well.

It was a thrill to meet the PostSecret founder/curator, Mr. Frank Warren on Saturday night, as he shared never before revealed secrets with those of us who crowded into a room to hear him speak. I actually found "PostSecret" by way of "Found," another ultra-cool site on the web. The "Found" boys were also there to add their own contribution to the event, which was also highly entertaining, and a perfect compliment to PostSecret. Well done, and well worth the money :o)

Viva Las Vegas -- Recap

Yeah, yeah, I know -- I usually do daily entries when I have a big trip (esp. when it has an element of "fun" involved, as I was counting on this one to have).

I got busy, so it didn't happen. Forgive me.

So I will try my best to give a proper summary of Thee Vegas Trip . . .


Probably my busiest days in terms of meetings. Saw some interesting presentations by my colleagues from other states, who fight the same legislative battles as I. I tried to write down key buzz phrases, so I can use them in my region, too. Had lunch with my pal Ryan, where we shared a few giggles over our mutual desire to ALWAYS go on the out of town trips, whenever possible! Later on in the day there was a big ass conference session in which we saw these televised commercials and documentaries about our industry and the folks who won national awards for their good deeds -- I must say, I was impressed by the quality of the video presentations, as well as inspired by the folks who were honored. Wow. It made me proud to work for and with these people. Bill Cosby was brought in as the big speaker. I like Bill Cosby, totally repsect his life's work and all that . . . but he's not quite my ultimate cup of tea. I was getting fidgety (what a shock -- NOT), so I skipped out a few minutes early to beat the crowd as they exited.

I made my way back to the hotel, grateful that my official "work day" had come to an end. I enjoyed a tasty meal, then decided to retire back to my room. It felt soooo good to slip out of my big girl suit, kick off my shoes, and eventually stretch out on the bed. But I still failed to get much sleep that night. Keyed up, I guess?!


My schedule did not require me to be anywhere until noon on Thursday. So I lounged in bed for most of the morning. Just kinda indulged myself with some relaxing "me time". Mmmmm. My relaxing morning was even capped off by an act of culinary pleasure . . . a big, sweet, sticky Belgian Waffle, complete with the syrup, strawberries, and a heaping mound of whipped cream. Did I already say "Mmmmmm"?!?! It bears much repeating. It was a perfect culmination of longing met with tasty bliss.

After popping over to the convention for a luncheon, I then moseyed about the shops at the Venetian, the highlight of which was playing dress up with the Mikimoto black pearl pendant necklace . Meow. I quickly texted the girls to mark the moment.

After struggling through the afternoon sessions (how I could not be distracted at this point?), I made my way back to the hotel to get changed for a night on the town. One of my midwest-based colleagues had been the recipient of a handful of surplus show tickets (courtesy of one of his BoD members who had purchased too many), and I was to be the very lucky recipient of one of them! Cue the squeals!!! First we all went to dinner at the Eiffel Tower Restaurant (I decided that so long as the restaurant was IN the good ol' U.S.A., I wasn't breaking my ban on all things French). Dinner was dee-lish! Really, it was. After dinner we hurried over to the Bellagio to see . . . CIRQUE DU SOLEIL!!! Yep, I was gonna see "O"! I don't know what the "O" stands for, but it should be for OMG! Wow, I was blown away. It was so amazing. I was dressed up, watching a world-class show . . . the whole thing was like a giant surreal moment, nearly indescribable. I was sad for the evening to end, since everything had been so exciting and unique.


Another morning in which I had the good fortune of lingering in bed a bit. The only thing which lured me out of bed was that I was determined to treat myself to a few Krispy Kremes for breakfast, which seemed like the perfect punctuation to mark the end of a trip to "Sin City." I hadn't had a Krispy Kreme in soooo long . . . I wanted to savor every exquisite and satisying bite. Mmmmm! (Again). All in all, it was a good trip. Perfect balance of work and play. Too bad reality will smack me in the face when I get back to the office on Monday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Viva Las Vegas - Part One

So at Adrian and Kirsten's jealous urging, I agreed to a "drunk posting." Only problem is that I am NOT drunk (really, I am not). It's been awhile since I had a free drink (I am cute and have a curvy figure, which = I do NOT pay for my own drinks, thank you very much). But I don't want to let my "Charlie's Angels" crew down, so I will try to recreate what swirled through my head during the days events in/and en route to Vegas:

  • Soduku -- phuck, I can't even spell this. Nonetheless, I spotted an otherwise attractive & straight man on the plane doing one of these puzzles. Ick, ew, WTF?! Sorry, but if you are doing Soduku [sp?] puzzles, YOU ARE GAY. And not in the good, it's okay kind of way either. I am also suspicious of men who do the crossword puzzle. It's just not natural. If you are a man who does the Jumble -- please move to Canada. Immediately.
  • People with Kids -- WHY the phuck are you in Vegas?! Honestly, there is NO reason to be pushing a stroller through a casino. Not one.
  • Colleagues -- I loathe the person at the state level who has my job. Pain in the ass. And they are staying at my hotel. Oi vey. If they ask me where I am staying I am going to lie and say somewhere else. I already did so once tonight, to a male colleague (see him maybe 3 times a year) who annoys me, just to throw them off the trail. I told them both "Harrah's," which is where my boss is staying. If they find out later I am actually NOT at that hotel, I figure I can play it off by saying I thought they were inquiring where my boss was staying.
  • Being Low-Rent -- a D.C.-based colleague whom I respect told me where she is staying (same hotel as I) and is pissed about it. I guess she does not approve of our accomodations. I think they are fine. But since said colleague is about 150 pounds overweight and probably hasn't been laid in the past two decades I am left questioning her opinion -- maybe obese people bitch about things that goodlooking people shrug off?! I don't know, but the bitchy thought occurred to me. I don't feel remotely guilty for this thought . . . after all, I earned the right to think and articulate these thoughts, and will keep right on doing it. I am tough on fat people. But I have the necessary "Street Creds" that allow me to do so, so kiss my ass, por favor. My point is that our accomodations are fine. Remember, I have stayed at Thee Scariest Hotel in Thee World (location: KENTUCKY), so I guess I am now doubly street creded?!
  • Booze Factor -- listen, there is going to be a lot of this going on. I must have lost some of my ability "to hang" as of late . . . a glass & 1/2 and I was buzzed tonight, yikes! Eh, so what?! I am the world's happiest, most fun drunk, so pppfffftttt!

Well Angels, that's all for now. Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy Veterans Day!

Just a shout out to all the Vets, living and at rest . . . and a big ol' thanks :o)

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Taking the Edge Off

Baseball bats, plastic forks, voodoo dolls. All of these are things I have spent time this week thinking about, in conjunction with causing serious bodily injury to those around me. Please trust me, this was all work-related, and they all deserved it. Really.

While not negating the validity of my feelings, clearly, I needed to chill out.

So I played hooky a bit on Friday afternoon and went home to attend to matters (namely, my pending WiFi hookup). It's half-done, but hey, it's progress. Being out of the office, and thereby unaccountable to all for a few hours, also happened to give me the opportunity to improve my mood before company came to my house later that evening.

And that helped set me up for my much needed Saturday. It was "ME DAY." I started off with the massage that I have been begging for, and then it was off to see Melissa for my pre-Vegas manicure and pedicure appointments. Ahhhhhh. I capped off ME DAY by downloading a bunch of new songs to my Ipod, to make the plane ride more pleasurable

NOW . . . I am ready for next week. It will be busy, it will be crazy, there will be work, but I always manage to find slivers of fun, no matter what the circumstances.

As I think ahead to what awaits me in Vegas, I can't help but invoke the words of my fave guy cousin, Dave . . . "C'mon Benny, we ain't building railroads, here!"

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Pride . . . and Prayers

It's Election Day. My shoulders and neck are one giant knot. All I want is a glass of wine, a lengthy deep-tissue massage, and to have one moment of tranquility. Actually, make that a bottle of wine.

Two quick items before I retire for two hours of television-viewing ("The Unit" and "Cane" -- meow to all the men) . . .

  1. HAMSTER -- I am so very proud of you, and your grit. Can't wait to hear all of the details about your day, and the those to come
  2. DADDY -- My Dad is having very major surgery tomorrow. It will change a lot of things in our family afterwards. Despite all of the crap he and the stepmonster have put us through over the past few years . . . I still need him. He's a terrific Dad, and I am lucky to have had him as long as I have.

So I will be doing a lot of praying tonight. And respecting my Dad's wishes by NOT hanging out at the hospital. But my heart will be there, just the same.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Chili, Champagne . . . and Cupcakes?!?!

It was time for the Triennial Chili and Champagne Event!

"Hamster" and "Da Weeter" sent us an invitation for our cozy dinner party, which got its start as some ridiculous excuse to eat Da Weeter's chili, and for Hamster and I to down some bubbly.

And it's kinda taken off from there.

This year I texted Hamster "what should I bring?" She texted back "Bring your sombreros and surveillance sidedish."

Now, "Surveillance" is a looonnnng story, for another time. I doubt other people find it as funny as Hamster and I do, but who gives a shit?! It's one of our "Dangerously Legal" practices that goes back to when I got my first car and used to haul our asses all over the place in my oh-so-red Chevy Cavalier.

Back to Hamster's text, though. So she throws in the word "sombreros" . . . hmmm. I quickly texted Lori, Sandi, and my Mom in search of a sombrero, just to be a smart ass. Which prompted my Mom to ask the Spanish teacher at the high school where she works if she had a sombrero on hand? YES, she had two! And threw in a couple of those Mexican blanket-ponchos and some maracas, too. SWEEEEET! (Or as Dr. J would say "Saaaammmmm!")

I already had a rather full day planned . . . began with a pre-op chat with my Dad over coffee at Crazy Mocha, then Dr. J & I went to Oakland to attend a lecture by author Jeff Gammage (but first we visited The O for a super-quick lunch), then off to Squirrel Hill for a slice at Mineo's, (see Dr. J, I said "SLICE" and didn't call it a "CUT" -- though I did say "cuts" when I ordered, you just didn't notice!!!)

And FINALLY, we had the procurement of Thee Cupcakes from Dozen (I could wait no longer, the urge was taking over my life to lick the frosting off one of those puppies!) I was thrilled to have an excuse to pick up cupcakes, and that we were only a few miles away for the lecture, well . . . it seemed to me that the stars had aligned for the perfect "C" compliment to the "Chili and Champagne" triennial event!

I promised Hamster that "these are like the best sex of your life. Really." The look on her face later told me I had not oversold them, hee hee!

I thought The Hamster was going to piss her pants when we gringos appeared at her door, clad in sombreros (granted, Dr. J was mortified by my latest insistence that he get into the spirit of the event -- but hey, Hamster LOVED it, which was all I cared about).

The boys wolfed down their chili, so they could then retire downstairs and grunt as they watched the hockey game. Whatever. It gave Hamster and I some much-needed girl time. WHICH WE NEED MUCH MORE OF (hint, hint). Seriously, she is such a light in my life . . . she makes dumb shit ridiculously fun. I swear Hamster is one of those people who truly could make watching paint dry seem fun. She's just that bust-up funny. Best of all is her "faux serious face," I think.

Everyone thinks I am the troublemaker (okay, so maybe I am) -- but I couldn't do it all these years without such a willing partner, who pushes me to the "dangerously legal" limits that she does. We've never crossed the lines of what is legal, but gawd we have certainly edged close to it! (I will freely admit having danced right over the lines of good taste on countless occasions, though).

Our friendship has survived so many changes, and has even surprised me in how it has actually thrived throughout it, especially over the past couple of years. I could not have made it without My Hamster (I am nothing if not possessive). I have felt so hopeless and helpless and downright crazy at times, and I am often convinced that I am of no help to ANYBODY. And yet, here is this amazing, capable, focused, brilliant chickie reaching out, asking me to help her?! Gawd, it makes me feel like a million bucks to be able to do for others, especially her.

Mucho Gracias, Senora! Now pass me a damn cupcake, and stop hogging the Chandon.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Setting Sail!!!

We just the phone call from Masha, AND the following e-mail . . .

Dear J and J,

I received your authenticated dossier today. It looks good. So I will ship your dossier to China on Friday, November 2,2007. Congratulations!

I wanted to thank you for your hard work on your dossier and your patience. I appreciated it!

Best regards,


OMG!!! What a series of emotions we are having right now!!! Soooo excited, so happy, so stunned . . . THIS IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING!!!

Now, folks, we still have quite the wait ahead of us . . . but SHE IS COMING!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Who Knew?

Let me start by saying this: There is a dizzying array of space heaters on the market.

I had no idea.

What prompted this discovery was my obsessive desire to ward off any huge, high gas bills this winter. Look, I am a first-time homeowner and first-time homedweller (since BIRTH, people!). All of this is new, and often scary to me. Really. I do NOT love being a homeowner. I know, I know, I am supposed to be giggly happy about how wonderful and exciting it is to own and fix-up and decorate a home.

I hate it.

I miss the simplicity of an apartment. I miss not having these types of choices. I miss having rather fixed costs each month, and not having to speculate in terror what my gas bill will be, WTF I will do if something breaks, and I still have solved our lawn care problem (to buy or not to buy the lawnmower -- dammit, can't I just get a hot guy to come cut the lawn every 3 weeks?! Can I not have ONE "Desperate Housewife" moment?!?!)

Our house is half-decorated, half-painted, sorta-styled, and no where near how we want it to be -- if only we had (1) the money, (2) the know-how, (3) the time.

Back to the space heater. So electricity is waaaaayyyy cheaper in this region than cranking the gas high enough to heat the house. Yes, it's on a minimum level. Yes, I know about closing off rooms that we don't use, shutting vents, wearing slippers & six layers of clothing. We already have a dual-control heated mattress pad (and my gawd, that thing is dee-vine, lemme tell ya!)

So we decided to get a space heater for our bedroom, just to run for a few minutes at night, or while we sleep. And possibly to bring into the living room. We spend an average of 3 waking hours in the house on a weekday. There are like 6 gazillion models of space heaters out there. Really. We went to four stores to compare, and this is after Dr. J researched the whole thing online.

I already knew about getting one with the auto-shutoff if it tips over. But now I also know to get one with the infared beam that shuts it off if it becomes obstructed (by a fallen blanket, a child's toy, etc.) I also now know that a quartz heater is designed to heat objects, that there are varying degrees of "quietness," you can buy a sleek space heater that can be wall-mounted (looks like a flat screen t.v.), and they even make space heaters with REMOTE CONTROLS. Really -- no shit, they sell ones with remote controls! ("Oooh, snap!")

It was at the fourth store, as we stared at the numerous options on the shelves, that I remarked to Dr. J, "It took us less time to select a country from which to import a baby."

And folks, that IS the freakin' truth.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Culinary Porn

Damn those bastards. If it wasn't bad enough for me to know that they are out there, calling my name, tempting me at every moment, imploring me to come visit, making all sorts of promises about how gooood it will be if I just give in . . . now I find myself having to additionally resist the temptation of staring at their sultry selves online.

That's right -- Dozen has begun posting photos of their new Fall flavors. Sonofabitch.

As if my days weren't already full of distractions, I now have to keep myself from viewing these photos as if they were centerfolds. Because that IS what it feels like -- I am trying to NOT think about them, to keep myself busy, and feed my desire with other things.

But dammit they are calling me!!! I already am obsessed with the decadent innocence of the Vanilla Vanilla . . . and now I am just going crazy over thoughts of the Raspberry Zinger and Chocolate Chip Cookie. (I don't even like coconut all that much I am willing to give the Raspberry Zinger a try & hopefully be surprised).


Birthday Re-Cap

The last couple of years (and especially last year) I have absolutely dreaded my birthday. For about a thousand reasons, I just couldn't muster up any enthusiasm for celebrating. But I am trying to do better this year, in spite of my preference to still not celebrate much of anything. Celebrations are supposed to be about joy, and everytime I try to do so (celebrate) I feel guilty because I think of what has been lost. Even writing about it is hard.

But I am also trying to not be such a downer to those around me. So I agreed to dip my toes back into the birthday pool this year. But there couldn't be a party, and I told my mother point blank that if there is a cake on Sunday (we are going out to dinner) I will never speak to her again. Really. I am hopeful she will respect my wishes and comply.

I received an early surprise the day prior to my birthday when one of the most vocal and critical members of my Board of Directors showed up at a meeting with a personalized birthday cake for me -- whoa! This is a woman who my (staff-level) colleagues refer to as "The one who eats her young" -- yeah, a real ball-buster. And she brought ME a cake?!?! I was very touched, to tell the truth.

Wednesday, my actual birthday, was chock full of important meetings and even a public hearing. But my friends and family managed to squeeze in the appropriate text messages and phone calls of cheer. I was stunned when I went back to my office late in the day and there was a gorgeous floral arrangment from . . . my husband! You could have knocked me over with a feather. I was really surprised by this. They were so beautiful, and full of "Nancy Reagan Red" flowers that look great with the leaves changing colors all around our town at present.

After work I met Lori for dinner and finally got the chance to fawn (in person) about her new, shiny, sparkling engagement ring! Then Dr. J picked me up and we went out to dinner at one of our favorite places. There was a major service problem at the beginning of the meal, but as we got up to leave the manager recognized us, and insisted we sit back down. He wound up comping us an appetizer, a bottle of wine (yum!) and a really adorable dessert which they call "A Study of Chocolate."

We were positively STUFFED by the end of the meal . . . how we made it to the car and home is still a mystery?! Dr. J gave me a very touching birthday card when we got back to our house (which made me cry, but they were okay tears).

But it was just what I needed for my birthday this year . . . low-key, simple, and delicious.