Monday, February 19, 2007

Stocking Up on Staples

Last week we had a good-sized snowstorm, and lots of ice. Nothing catastrophic, mind you, but enough that you should stay off the roads if you could -- for maybe ONE whopping day.

Nonetheless, I always get a huge laugh at the t.v. and newspaper stories about folks who rush the grocery stores in advance of a snowstorm . . . as if we are gonna be snowed in for 3 weeks, and as if most of these folks don't already don't have TONS of food in their pantry (or could stand to skip a meal anyways)?!

It got me to wondering, what strange "essential" food/beverage items my friends and family must have at home to survive the blizzard??? (After all, there's something a little bizarre that all of us want to have on hand, to survive, LOL!)

Our list is something like this . . . microwave popcorn, wine, fudgesicles, and cereal for Dr. J.

Here's what the rest of you replied:

* Cereal
* Fresh milk (as opposed to sour milk? I dunno!)
* Diet Coke
* Water
* Bananas
* Cheese
* Popcorn
* Pretzels (2 votes)
* Beer (2 votes) -- interestingly, enough, the beer votes came from Buzz, and his son, Joe (wow -- what a stunner? NOT!!!)
* Frozen pizza
* Ramen noodles

And from the Kal-ee-forn-yah crew, who don't quite understand the whole "we need toilet paper" urgency . . .

* Pasta, water, dog food, bagels, butter, beer, and if that time, (sorry boys) tampons
* "As long as I have my stock of boobjuice storage bags, I'm good to go. I'll just wipe my ass clean on the wall."

Let's keep it all in perspective, folks! And hey, let's not forget -- Punxy Phil said we're having an early Spring!!!

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