Sunday, June 03, 2007

This Time, It Was My Glasses. Unbefuckingly believable.

It's happened again! YET AGAIN. I am an excellent packer, when it comes to trips. I do it fairly quickly, semi-efficiently, and am especially good at rolling my clothes to maximize space. I have enough travel-sized toiletries to mark me as a frequent traveler (though not "road warrior" status). And yet, each time, no matter how careful I am, I seem to ALWAYS forget something.

This time it was my glasses. Of course, I noticed AFTER I had washed my makeup off, and had taken off my contacts, and was fumbling around in my one bag searching for them. Which lead to a frantic call to Dr. J who confirmed they were at home, and gallantly offered to overnight mail them to me. Of course, I declined, citing the ol' "we need the money for other things" excuse.

Sigh. Gawd, I could smack myself sometimes.

Wishing I was at home, curling up on my massive bed, in my glasses right now. Dammit.

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