Saturday, November 04, 2006

In Case There Was Any Doubt

John Kerry is an elitist, commie-lovin', blame-America ass.

This latest statement, which is so incredibly insulting to every man or woman who has ever served, is only further proof, and the latest in a series of ignorant remarks he's made which are highly revealing of the attitudes he possesses. So spare me on the "botched joke" bullshit. It wasn't. It was the truth revealed in his heart and mind.

I am fully prepared to provide evidence to support my contention, as well as the research demonstrating how educated and smart our military is, but then Michelle Malkin wrote a brilliant piece that saved me the trouble. Damn, smart AND gorgeous -- she's definitely one of my idols, and if my husband could snag her somehow (and Sweetheart, I genuinely you wish the best in this endeavour!), I would fully support him leaving me for her -- she's that amazing!

But back to the matter at hand -- John "Ghengis Khan" Kerry . . . dude, don't ever, EVER, think for one second that we will forget how you sung Kumbaya with people who called my father, a Marine Field Medic who was saving lives as the Viet Cong tried to kill him in the jungle, a "babykiller." And also, don't think that we will ever forgive your pals who spit (really!) on my father-in-law, an Air Force Captain and Flight Surgeon during Viet Nam.

Go back to your estate and ride your bike. Or windsurf.

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