Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm Dreaming of a Bubble Bath Christmas . . .

Dr. J and I are trying to decide what to do for the upcoming Christmas holiday. Normally, we'd spend Christmas Eve with my Dad's side of the family, go to Midnight Mass, sleep in on Christmas Day, and then Dr. J would cook Christmas dinner for my Mom's side of the family.

But we have decided, for many personal reasons, that we need to be by ourselves this Christmas and just focus on each other, instead of taking care of everyone else (okay, maybe that's me who is taking care of everyone else!)

Lately, my biggest "Blue Sky" moments have been coming courtesy of an extremely hot bubble bath. My dear friend, Hot Mary, turned me on to these body bars sold by a company called Lush. You simply put them in the tub as it's filling up, and it dissolves into the most amazing bath experience ever! Yes, I am essentially paying $6 to take a bath (that's how much one costs), but it is soooooo worth it. The Ma Bar smells absolutely divine . . . and it makes my skin feel like satin. Hot Mary is a fan of the Sex Bomb fizzy.

So when it came time to think about how, if it were up to me, I would want to celebrate Christmas, well . . . nothing would be more splendid than to be in a big, deluxe, whirlpool bathtub with Dr. J this Christmastime, as we sip champagne and toast one another. Mmmmmm!

Now we just have to decide where to go (and for me to agree to spend the money).

But you can bet that several Ma Bars will be in my suitcase, wherever we go.

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