Saturday, March 10, 2007

Am I Insane?

On Thursday, we had house inspection for the place we put an offer in on. I had to work, but Dr. J has off on Thursday mornings, so he was designated as the one to be present with the inspector for the event, which takes a couple of hours.

Because so many of yinz have been asking to see photos of the house we are close to buying, I reminded Dr. J a bunch of times to "TAKE THE CAMERA WITH YOU -- TAKE A BUNCH OF PHOTOS!!!"

Surprisingly, Dr. J did remember to take the camera with him (this in itself is a feat).

Last night, after returning from a "date" with my husband, I asked him "You did take photos of the house, right?" to which he nodded enthusiastically and said "Oh yeah, I took a bunch!"

So this morning, being unable to sleep in (not sleeping well, again), I decide to download the photos onto our computer, and then uplink them to the Kodak Gallery, in the hopes of sharing with those with of you who have been inquiring.

Guess what? He did take a bunch! Yee haw! There's just one problem . . . THERE ISN'T ONE GAWDDAMN PHOTO OF THE OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!! Ya know, the thing people want to see MOST?!?!

I am this close to storming into the bedroom and smacking him awake with my best bitchslap and screaming "HOW CAN YOU TAKE 60 PHOTOS OF THE INSIDE OF A HOUSE, AND NEGLECT TO TAKE EVEN ONE OF THE OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE?!?!"


Am I insane, or was it IMPLIED that when one is asked to "take photos of the house" it includes the OUTSIDE of the house! JUST ONE DAMN PHOTO!!!!!!!!!! ONE!!!!!!!!

Is it too early to begin drinking? It feels like it's going to be one of those days already.

We have to go back over to the house in a few hours to meet with our Realtor to discuss a few items that came up during the home inspection. Guess who is taking the camera with her, and will obtain a photo of the outside of the house?

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