Saturday, March 15, 2008


Okay so I am not obsessed with astrology or anything like that. But I do find it fun and entertaining from time to time. And occasionally it is RIGHT on the mark. In general, I find it spooky how much I match up with the typical Scorpio traits.

This morning I logged into my Yahoo account and took the time to read today's daily forecast. In light of multiple issues I am dealing with in my personal life, I was kinda blown away by what my horoscope said:

Your practical side has had too much control over your decision making
lately, and it's time for you to stop deliberating every single decision in such
an analytic way. Life requires some leaps of faith, some risk-taking, and a
little bit of luck if it's going to stay interesting. Try let go. Try not to control
every single element of your day today. Let other people make some decisions,
and trust that everything will still be okay -- because it will. You're taking on
too much responsibility. It's time to step back.

Whoa. ME, give up control?! Okay, cosmic forces, I will make you a deal . . . I will give up control, in you will give me certainty -- cause right now the suspense of not knowing how things will turn out, and what path we should walk, is killing me.

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