Saturday, September 01, 2007

All Alone, and Thrilled By It

Normally, I look forward to spending my weekends with Dr. J. Getting to catch up is nice, of course, after a hectic week. But probably more than anything else, I genuinely enjoy his company. Even mundane tasks, we somehow manage to make fun! I swear, two people have never managed to make grocery shopping as much fun as we continually do. It's corny and ridiculous, but we actually never pawn this chore off on the other, because we find grocery shopping akin to a weekend comedy hour (strange, but true, we admit).

So this Saturday, I couldn't get back to sleep after Dr. J went into the office to see a few patients. We set out for errands after he got back in the early-afternoon. We got about 2/3's of the way through when one of his patients called, needing to see Dr. J in a bad way. So I was promptly deposited at home so he could rush to the office to take treat his patient.

I sat there at home, all by myself for several hours . . . and I couldn't stop smiling!

I am so excited for my man -- that he is getting busier, that he is needed (by people other than me -- and by people who PAY for his services, hee hee!), and that word is getting out about how talented he is.

Yep, that's my guy!

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