Sunday, September 23, 2007


We sleep off part of our hangover (bad Adrian, BAD Adrian), and set off for Morro Bay. But today Dr. J did the driving. About 15 minutes into 4 hour trip it's clear that we are having car trouble. I call Hertz and they (to their credit) lickety split direct us to a place in Palo Alto to exchange the car. So we do, and since there is a counter full of cute Asian women working there, for once Dr. is thrilled to have car problems, hee hee!

Well, since we are only a few miles away, we roll into Clarke's for some take-out lunch. Clarke's . . . ahhhh! Oh how we MISSED you, Clarke's!!!!

Then we drove onward to Morro Bay for the wedding. Uneventful, pleasant ride, in our newly exchanged semi-blinged vehicle.

Slight problem with check-in at the Inn at Morro Bay when they first assigned us a room WITHOUT a hot tub. Excuse me, I paid for a hot tub room. More importantly, I need a hot tub room.

Finally, we get one. And I am licking my lips at the thought of getting into it -- yippee!!!

So after a hot shower we meet up with Dr. J's godparents for dinner, Arlene and Joey. These people are true New Yahkers . . . gawd, I could ON AND ON about how freakin' AMAZING these people are!!! I just love and admire and respect them more than words can say. I could dedicate an entire blog to them, and it wouldn't be enough. They are fun, spirited, incandescent spirits -- and I am amazingly blessed to have them as my husband's godparents. Really. After a fantastic dinner & conversation at Hoppe's, we return to the hotel for a good night's sleep and . . . yeah, well, we get a good night's sleep, hee hee!

Lines of the Day:

* Ms. J -- "I could understand if someone decided to forgo sex for a Clarke's burger and fries."

* Dr. J -- "Did you feel that shaking?"

* Kirsten -- (via e-mail) "So in the middle of the night I wake up to Hiroshi trying to hump me. I start to turn toward him and he says 'Shhhh, go back to sleep. I got this one.' So I do. And I wake up in the morning to a clump of Kleenex stuck to my crotch. Nice of him to clean up afterwards."

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