Sunday, September 16, 2007

Baby, I'm Ready to Roll

I made my Vegas flight reservations this morning.

Okay, so it's a work trip, and it's two months away, but I am strangely excited about going. A few days away in the Land of Outrageousness is always interesting, and I expect nothing less from this trip!

I have only been to Vegas one other time, back in 2002, while moving back from Kal-ee-forn-yah. Stayed there for 4 days, and enjoyed it! What's funny is that I spent maybe a whopping $10 on the slots -- I don't believe in throwing money away (I want SOME sort of return if I am going to do that). But thee people-watching? Oh my, FANTABULOUS (see Hamster, I worked "your word" into this entry!)

Yes, I do love people-watching! It rivals my love of t.v. And since I am told that the t.v. offerings in Vegas hotel rooms purposely suck (to lure you to the casinos downtstairs -- boo!), I guess people-watching will be one of my top hobbies while there.

I will be staying at Treasure Island. WHY? (I know, hardly the hotel that matches my personality -- hey, trust me, if they had a Hotel Helix in Vegas I'd stay there -- wait, WHY don't they have a Hotel Helix there?!)

Anyhoo, back to the "why" . . . it's a three-fold reason: (1) it's on the list of hotels for the conference I will be attending and across the street from the hotel the sessions will be held in; (2) NOBODY else from my organization is planning on staying there (please, leave me ALONE when I go back to my room -- do NOT call my room or cell once I have hit the sheets, thank you!); and (3) it's supposed to have some of the best beds in Vegas.

Yeah, yeah, I know, "it's Vegas -- why do you care about the beds?!" GUESS WHAT -- I DO CARE!!! I need comfort, I need style, I need some place to replenish, refresh, and escape at the end of a chaotic conference day. And I have learned the hard way that a sturdy bed and comfy mattress can make or break the experience.

So stay tuned for my review of the Trasure Island experience. Hmmm, the Hotel Helix had leopard print bathrobes in each guest room . . . I wonder if Treasure Island will have some pirate wench getup hanging in the closet? Yeah, right. I think that might be better left to mental fantasy, eh?!

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