Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Viva Las Vegas - Part One

So at Adrian and Kirsten's jealous urging, I agreed to a "drunk posting." Only problem is that I am NOT drunk (really, I am not). It's been awhile since I had a free drink (I am cute and have a curvy figure, which = I do NOT pay for my own drinks, thank you very much). But I don't want to let my "Charlie's Angels" crew down, so I will try to recreate what swirled through my head during the days events in/and en route to Vegas:

  • Soduku -- phuck, I can't even spell this. Nonetheless, I spotted an otherwise attractive & straight man on the plane doing one of these puzzles. Ick, ew, WTF?! Sorry, but if you are doing Soduku [sp?] puzzles, YOU ARE GAY. And not in the good, it's okay kind of way either. I am also suspicious of men who do the crossword puzzle. It's just not natural. If you are a man who does the Jumble -- please move to Canada. Immediately.
  • People with Kids -- WHY the phuck are you in Vegas?! Honestly, there is NO reason to be pushing a stroller through a casino. Not one.
  • Colleagues -- I loathe the person at the state level who has my job. Pain in the ass. And they are staying at my hotel. Oi vey. If they ask me where I am staying I am going to lie and say somewhere else. I already did so once tonight, to a male colleague (see him maybe 3 times a year) who annoys me, just to throw them off the trail. I told them both "Harrah's," which is where my boss is staying. If they find out later I am actually NOT at that hotel, I figure I can play it off by saying I thought they were inquiring where my boss was staying.
  • Being Low-Rent -- a D.C.-based colleague whom I respect told me where she is staying (same hotel as I) and is pissed about it. I guess she does not approve of our accomodations. I think they are fine. But since said colleague is about 150 pounds overweight and probably hasn't been laid in the past two decades I am left questioning her opinion -- maybe obese people bitch about things that goodlooking people shrug off?! I don't know, but the bitchy thought occurred to me. I don't feel remotely guilty for this thought . . . after all, I earned the right to think and articulate these thoughts, and will keep right on doing it. I am tough on fat people. But I have the necessary "Street Creds" that allow me to do so, so kiss my ass, por favor. My point is that our accomodations are fine. Remember, I have stayed at Thee Scariest Hotel in Thee World (location: KENTUCKY), so I guess I am now doubly street creded?!
  • Booze Factor -- listen, there is going to be a lot of this going on. I must have lost some of my ability "to hang" as of late . . . a glass & 1/2 and I was buzzed tonight, yikes! Eh, so what?! I am the world's happiest, most fun drunk, so pppfffftttt!

Well Angels, that's all for now. Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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