Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Health Benefits of Gettin' Busy

Now's here's an article that men everywhere will be excitedly waving in front of their wives faces . . . turns out that sex has significant health benefits!

From my perspective, I will agree to having seen the positive effects of s-e-x in the following ways (which are noted in the article):

  • Weight Loss & Weight Control -- there have been evenings in which I have been too busy to squeeze in my regular workout at the gym, and have mentally said to myself, "well, this will burn some calories at least" or "hey, it's to make up for that cookie I stress-ate earlier today."
  • Stress Relief -- absolutely! Some times life is so freakin' stressful that a good tumble in the hay can definitely take the edge off of things, releasing those post-exercise endorphins, and resulting in a nice "ahhhhh" feeling
  • Immune Booster -- I specifically recall one time in college, freshman year, when Dr. J was running a fever of about 103, but I needed to get my groove on. I managed to convince him the best way to recover was to "sweat it out." Did it work? Well for ME it did!
  • Increased Self-Esteem & Intimacy -- through both my experience and the assortment of confessions I have heard over the years (I swear, some people tell me Thee Strangest Shit), the more people have sex, the more they want it. Ladies, your man is more concerned about just getting it regularly than what your ass looks like . . . and if you give it to a man regularly, they see you as attractive even if you gain 5 pounds, have on an old nightshirt, or forgot to shave your legs. Men almost universally want two things in a relationship: regular sex and respect. That's not a lot to ask.
  • Sleep Enhancement -- yep, it's true. I always sleep more soundly after a good romp. Unless of course I am still keyed up and wanting Round 2, or 3.
  • A Better, Younger Looking You -- I think that people who get it on regularly just have that glow about them -- that little intangible thing you can't quite put your finger on, yet somehow they sparkle. Case in Point: LORI (I doubt she's embarrassed by my stating this -- after the uber-hot stuff Jay wrote & shared about his Christmas Wish for this year, I sure as heck wouldn't be -- YOWZA!!!)
  • Mood Lifter -- see my note above on Stress Relief
  • Longevity -- this harkens back to when we were younger, and used to hear those pleas from junior high school boys that "a guy could DIE from not getting IT!" Wow, maybe they weren't being melodramatic after all?!
  • Decreased Risk of Breast Cancer -- perhaps from all the loving attention a woman's breast receive during s-e-x, this staves off that nasty cancer?!
  • Reproductive Health Benefits -- LMAO . . . wait a minute . . . STILL laughing hysterically!!! If only I could add up the money that has been spent over the years on b/c pills, condoms, and now thermometers, OV kits, pee sticks, co-pays, RE tests, and OB/Gyn procedures?! Lemme LMAO some more!
So, all in all, I pronounce this article to be useful and well-versed . . . though perhaps a companion piece on the benefits of red wine would have been nice (especially since, in addition to being good for you, red wine helps you dance your woman into the sack easier).

Mostly, I hope this article brings you, the reader, the ammo you need to get laid tonight. Cheers!

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