Friday, December 07, 2007

LOG IN DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I just checked the Holt web site and they, finally having received word from China, have posted the news of those dossiers that have been "logged in" with China . . . AND OURS IS ONE OF THEM!!!

Our "DTC" (Dossier to China) date is 11-02-07. Our "LOG IN DATE" (LID) is 11-14-07. THAT IS FANTASTIC NEWS!!!

Now, it doesn't mean that things are going to suddenly move any faster BUT . . . it does mean that Chinese Government has acknowledged receipt of our dossier, which is a big relief!!!

Pregnant women have strange dreams about stuff going wrong with their pregnancy, getting lost on the way to the hospital, giving birth to a three-headed monster, yadda yadda . . . adoptive parents have nightmares about their paperwork getting lost or misdelivered by FedEx, LOL! Seriously, several months ago a FedEx delivery vehicle in the mid-west was in a major accident and burst into flames, thereby destroying all packages in it's possession in the process. I almost had a heart attack fretting over the "what if our documents were in THAT van?!" thought until I realized that we had put our stuff in the mail a few days prior AND had paid for two-day expedited air shipping, which effectively nulled most of my worry. Most of it, though not all, LOL! (I gotta be me, after all!)

Anyhoo, this fantastically good news brought tears to my eyes and an excited text message to Dr. J.

Good Lord, after my meltdown last night we really needed this good news, eh hon?!?!

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