Monday, January 28, 2008

Gym Sum (keeping me honest) -- belated

So I forgot to post my "Gym Sum" for the last week. Well, I suppose that's better than forgetting to go to the gym . . . though I have to say my motivation was lacking a bit last week. I just didn't feel inspired.

Without further ado, my total for last week was: 3 hours of cardio. Not bad, considering my schedule constraints.

I am already off to a good start for THIS week, with 2.5 hours under my belt. I hope to hit gym again on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, aiming for total of 6 hours of cardio. We shall see!

By the way, a special shout out to the cutie pie 14 year old redheaded girl at the gym tonight who loaned me her pink hair band when my snapped and broke. I was pulling my hair back into a low ponytail when it happened. I screamed "shit!" really loud in the locker room. Thankfully, she came to my rescue. Without a hairband (I had no spare in my gym bag), it would have completely derailed my workout -- I HAVE TO PUT MY HAIR UP when I work out -- I simply sweat too much (esp. my head) to not do so.

Okay, back to paying attention to the State of the Union Address!!!

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