Thursday, January 31, 2008

It's Back!!!!

LOST is back on t.v. -- it premiered TONITE!

WOW, great episode! Tonight's episode was "Hurley-centric." Hurley is not one of my favorite characters, but the episode was still terrific.

I am beginning to think that part of the reason I have been pissy at night lately is due to lack of fresh television, courtesy of the phucking writer's strike. GRRRRR!

Seriously. t.v. is one of my essential food groups. I loooooovvvvve watching all of my shows, and "Lost" (which I resisted for a while but finally submitted to and got hooked on) is at the tippy top of my Must See T.V.

Now all I need is an episode featuring my fave bad ass, Sayid, or my beloved couple, Sun and Jin.

1 comment:

Just-Me said...

I couldn't agree more!! I was suckered in last season..(my hubby won out and I am now hooked) Was so great to see a new episode. I was so pumped to see Charlie back last night even if it was a dream...really miss him :( I can't wait to see what happens and if these 'flash forwards' are the real deal....
PS....Really like your blog! :)