Tuesday, January 08, 2008

RANDOM . . . times two?!

This has been a very odd couple of days. And considering how odd the past year has been for me, that's saying quite a bit.

Two people from my past each sent me an email. Both came from people who were incredibly important parts of my life. I have laughed, cried, and loved both of them. Deeply.

And both emails rocked me to my core.

One has me sad, angry, confused, and scared -- not sure if I can trust again, if I can move past the hurtful words that were said, if I have the emotional energy (or even the want) to re-establish the relationship, even on a polite acquaintance level.

The other email touched me so deeply I could hardly speak. The words hit a spot so buried in me that I didn't think it was possible to have another human being find that spot, let alone give it voice. I should have known better. He always has.

So, as the kids are fond of saying nowadays . . . "whoa, random!"

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