Sunday, October 07, 2007


A bunch of little things this weekend that kept me busy . . . .

* BARKTOBERFEST -- as usual, a very good time! A plethora of booze, munchies, and desserts. Best of all, I got to see all of my favorite cousins (minus Zanne, who was back in Ohio). And I got more psyched about going to "Wusster" next weekend, where I will see Zanne, and we shall frolic in the apple orchards (do I frolic?! Hmmm, probably not. I can skip, though).

* PARENTS -- Holy Shit, sometimes (no make that most of the times), when I dare venture out in public with my mother and stepfather, it feels like I am taking two little kids with me. Seriously. They either are easily distracted (hullo bright shiny object!) , bitching and moaning, or lumber on their feet like freakin' gazelles. And THEN they have the audacity to mock how fat everybody around them is getting?! Pot -- kettle. Kettle? Pot. (I am not trying to be mean -- but I really had ENOUGH this weekend -- and I had even woke up in a good mood on Saturday).

* DETOX -- I am fairly convinced that the past month's partying and general debauchery has caught up with me. I feel sluggish and less motivated to be at my physical best. So I am trying REALLY hard to get back on track. Fresh fruit, more water, EVEN LONGER workouts at the gym, and (gasp!) no wine. Okay, okay, maybe cold turkey is too extreme?! Start with LESS drinking.

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