Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Today was a big day for my man. Drumroll please . . . he got his very first REIMBURSEMENT CHECK from an insurance company, for services he has rendered! [Yes, it DOES take that long for doctors to get paid, so everyone close your jaws].

To understand this, folks, know when you get an "EOB" (Explanation of Benefits) in the mail, telling you what the doctor billed your insurance for, how much your responsibility was, and how much the insurance company PAID your doctor? Yep, THAT'S what Blue Cross slid into his business bank account today.

WOO-FRICKIN'-HOO, Boys and Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And, it was not some piddly $12 or any shit like that. It was GOOOOOOD.

Of course, this gets rolled right back into the business -- hey, Dr. J has a loan to pay off, rent to keep paying, and equipment to keep leasing. (But in my Fantasyland Daydreams I am spending the money on myself, hee hee -- hey, a Trophy Wife's gotta dream, right?!)

But it's a significant moment, nonetheless. And I am very proud.

Two good things in one week (see immediate prior post), and only days apart, is this possible?! I feel nervous just speaking about it in anything above the most hushed of whispers!

Adrian, we're crackin' open that bottle of Decoy TONIGHT, sistah!!!!

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