Monday, October 08, 2007

Kid Rock and Ted Nugent

I love Ted Nugent. Not his music, though I believe he is incredibly talented. But I love Teddy 'cause he's so pure, so hard core, so unapologetic and full throttle! I get a kick every time I hear him on Dennis Miller or Glenn Beck's radio programs.

But I am proud of Kid Rock for what I read about him in the paper recently (New York Post's Page Six of all places?!), too:

Rock Takes A Shot At Penn
WE'D love to see a debate on the war in Iraq between Kid Rock and Sean Penn. Rock didn't name Penn in his interview with Penthouse magazine, but he seemed to be aiming at the actor when he said, "These kids [U.S. soldiers] are very young and a lot of them think people who oppose the war are against them. You have to be very careful with what you talk about - specially when you are some Hollywood [bleep]er. Just because you made a great movie doesn't make you are an expert on foreign policy." Rock spent Christmas with the troops and met then-Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, whom he defends. "I was at the White House drinking a Beam and Coke, shooting the [bleep] with Rumsfeld, when [President] Bush came by and gave me five like we were on Seven Mile and Van Dyke in Detroit," he told Penthouse. And Rock is a big proponent of firearms: "If it weren't for guns and people who know how to use them in America, we'd all be sitting around with swastikas saying, 'Heil Hitler!' "

1 comment:

Unknown said...

On Ted –
While not a big fan of Ted Nugent and his gonzo rock & roll, I did get to meet him at the NRA Convention in Pittsburgh in April 2004. At his booth, we briefly chatted on hunting and 2nd Amendment issues while he autographed my copy of his book “God, Guns & Rock ‘N’ Roll”. I bought a copy that day since it had gotten some air time on Conservative radio, and that all proceeds were going to Ted’s Kamp for Kids. It is an easy read and quite humorous at times, and after reading it, here are some things one can take away:

-Ted is involved. From meeting with his kids teachers, meeting local, state & federal legislators, conservation work, anti-drug campaigns and a boat-load more, Ted does indeed walk-the-walk. I felt guilty since aside from letters, I have never had a face-to-face meeting with any of my legislators.

-Ted takes a stand - no flip-flopping with him – and he backs almost everything up with straight facts.

-He may be “controversial”, but only if you are a flaming Liberal, and who needs them.

-He is dedicated to his family, staying involved and surrounding them with the “Right” kind of people.

Give his book a shot. It might charge you up to kick some butt

On Kid –
Not a fan here either (except for periodically shouting out lyrics: “Cuss Like a Sailor, Drink Like a ‘Mick” just ask my wife), but willing to accept him into the 2nd Amendment Fold. So glad he’s no longer with the PETA spouting, hepatitis target Bimbo Pam-Pee Anderson. Maybe he is starting down the brighter path.

“Yo, Adrian!”