Sunday, October 21, 2007

The List

So my birthday is coming up. Yes, I admit it. I used to love this time of year when I was younger . . . the combination of the gorgeous fall colors, football season, crisp weather, Halloween, and my birthday would always coalesce to put a smile on my face and genuine enthusiasm in my heart.

When we lived in Kal-ee-forn-yah this started to change, though. First, due to the weather and absence of truly spectacular colors (yes, the leaves do change there, but not like here). And it would still be, like, 90 degrees in October out there. (Okay, so it's supposed to hit the 80's this week, but oh well). But we had such a teeny-tiny box of an apartment when we lived there, that there just wasn't room for much more, and knowing that "The Plan" (hey, I always have a plan!) was to move back East, well, I didn't want to accumulate more "stuff". Having moved approximately 6 gazillion times as a child, I loathe packrats, people who can't part with their shit, and knick-knack stuff on the whole.

So I got in the habit of wanting "experiences" for my birthday, Christmas, anniversary, or V-Day. Ya know, tickets to a play or concert, or something unique that would give me a great memory. That's something easy to pack, and it never gets lost. But we've been back East for 4 years now, so the "no stuff" excuse is gone. Still, the budget issues remain -- no, make that they are TIGHTER than ever. Oh, we are managing, thanks to my ability to stick to a budget and squirrel away money like an acorn. But it's never been tighter, considering.

All of this crystalized in my always swirling brain recently when I was asked "what do you want for your birthday?" HUH?! Aside from my usual vices of VS undies and wine from Sonoma . . . well, it's kinda sad, I guess, but I just don't dream that way. I don't think about what I can't have, even if it's due to self-imposed limits. But sometimes Adrian and Kirsten play a game where they "virtual shop" for the things they want but can't have (I guess this is the online version of window sopping nowadays?!), so I thought I'd give it a try!

Sooooo, for anyone who is STILL looking for that perfect birthday gift for me, here are some ideas:

  • Select Comfort Mattress -- I have NOT been sleeping well for some time now, and part of the blame goes to my mattress (though I did completely crash this past Friday night, and got probably the most sound sleep I have had in months).

  • Pedicures twice a month, to accompany my manicures. This would also mean I get to spend twice as much time with Melissa, which would be divine!

  • Black pearls -- I'd probably get more opportunities to wear a pendant necklace (which is more my speed anyway), but you can't deny how gorgeous a whole gleaming strand is!

  • Sirius radio -- or any type of satellite radio gizmo that allows me to float between hip-hop music, jazz, 80's throwbacks, Big Band (yes, I am a closet fan!), while still getting my Dennis Miller fix as needed (love ya, guy!)

  • Weekly massages. Really. This goes without saying.

  • A limo to drive me around in. Or, if not, I'd take a nice Jaguar so I can cruise in style. Ice blue in color, and old-school with the hood ornament (if anyone really wants to make me happy).

  • Diamond stud earrings. Platinum setting preferred, but it's negotiable. Normally I am all about the hoops. But I saw Adrian's and I admit I coveted a bit

  • Unlimited shopping at H&M. And if the shopping trip could be with HM, that'd be even better.

  • A night at Nemacolin. With the big tub. Screw the French restaurant in the hotel though.

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