Thankfully, the day ended better than it started, with me mellowing courtesy of a couple of glasses of Clos du Bois merlot, and sharing a chocolatey treat with a friend. Yum.
Saturday was a rough day for Dr. J and I, due to an event we had to attend that was tough on us, emotionally (adoption-related). We spent several hours with my brother on Sunday, pertaining to his church journey (he is becoming a Catholic and I am his sponsor).
So ANYHOO, the plan was for us to drop my little brother off at our Aunt's so he could pick up his car, and then Dr. J and I were going to use my Aunt's big spa tub for a long overdue bubblebath! We even brought the bottle of 2004 Iron Horse Wedding Cuvee that Dr. J's godparents send us each year as an anniversary present.
We were SO READY for this bubblebath, I can not overstate that point!

Dr. J drew the bath water, popped the champagne into our special glasses, and we slid into the tub. A mere 120 seconds later (I am not kidding), my Uncle begins pounding furiously on the bathroom door, and bellows in his German-accented voice "Zee water is leek-ing thru zee cee-ling!"
You have to be kidding me, right?! NOPE. He wasn't. Somehow their tub, which hadn't had a leak in 10 years, and my Aunt uses for a soak at least once a week, chose MY MOMENT OF ZEN to begin leaking through the dining room ceiling below. Unbelievable. Really.
So we drain the tub, wipe the bubbles off our bodies, and pad downstairs to stare up at the ceiling with my aunt and uncle.

I thought I was going to burst into tears out of pure frustration. I . . . just . . . wanted . . . my . . . bubblebath. (Sniff, sniff, cue pout).
As I lunched with a friend today, and related this tale of woe, he looked at me amused and said "Bathus Interruptus?!"
1 comment:
Wow! What a night. I was about to say I know you enjoyed that bubble bath until I read how the rest of the night turned out! That is crazy!
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