Saturday, February 02, 2008

Gala Recap

Last night was the big shindig for my work. There were about 400 people there, all gussied up in (mainly) tuxedos and snazzy dresses. The theme was Mardi Gras, so some of the folks had rented costumes too. Our newly installed president wore his tux part of the time, and then at other times he was dressed as a king. He looked adorable, I have to say. His wife was dressed as a court jester.

I was excited to have an opportunity to wear a beautiful dress again, the one I refer to as "my Vegas dress" (because I wore it in Las Vegas when I went to see Cirque du Soleil's "O"). I never went to any of the Proms or Homecoming dances when I was in high school (sniff, sniff), so there is this little girl part of me that gets really excited about having an opportunity to go shopping for something special, and then slipping into it for a big night out. Though, I gotta admit, I was more than a little bit nervous having that dress on around my co-workers and Board of Directors, who are used to seeing me in only business suits and the occasional sundress.

Well, the dress was a hit! I received a lot of positive feedback, which was appreciated since I have been busting my ass at the gym in January (15 workouts in a 31-day month). Oh, and the new bra worked out prefectly with it (three cheers for clear straps!)

I should have had a photo of myself taken in the dress, but I am quite camera shy. So here's a photo of the dress I found online.

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