Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Day to My Valentines

I was driving to a doctor appointment today when a song came on the radio that brought back a flood of memories . . . it was "Solid" by Ashford & Simpson (yes, I acknowledge it's a bad video -- in a so bad it's good kind of way, LOL). I immediately grabbed my cell phone and called the man who I think of each time this classic tune is on the radio . . . my Daddy. He thanked me for the V-Day card I had sent him (I send him one every year because, after all, he was the first man I ever loved, and the first man to ever love me). I quickly instructed him to put on the station I was listening to, and then giggled as I said "Daddy, remember how we used to sing this in the car?!" There are other songs like that, ones that make me think of times spent alone with my Dad, singing in the car. I think what made them so memorable is that my Dad, a guy who throughout my childhood alternated between being ultra-smooth and an ultra-goofball, used to sing along to these songs in such a funny, dramatic, over-the-top manner that you couldn't keep a straight face when they came on. Some others that I immediately associate with my Dad are:

  • "Islands in the Stream"/Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton (before Kenny f'ed up his face with bad plastic surgery)
  • "Separate Lives"/Phil Collins & Marilyn Martin
  • "Maneater"/Hall & Oates (Ahhh, a classic from Dad's post-divorce bachelor years)
  • "Coming Around Again"/Carly Simon (his song choice to dance with me at my wedding)

This was on my mind as I worked out at the gym. Only, with thoughts of Valentine's Day bouncing around my head, I began seeking out the songs on my Ipod that remind me of Dr. J:

Happy V-Day to all -- now everybody go cuddle ;o)

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